He Had No Interest In Becoming A Replacement

Honestly, Wen Mo did not find the kiss to be repulsive.

After that, Chi Wan offered herself to Wen Mo again.

His gaze hardened. This time, Qin Yu did not have to do anything. Like an eagle capturing a chick, Wen Mo grabbed her collar and gestured at a bodyguard to open the door.

Then, he dragged Chi Wan into the room.


Qin Yu thought he heard the sound of his jaw hitting the floor. Still flustered, he noticed all of a sudden something at the corner of his eye. A silhouette passed him by.

His heart skipped a beat. After eyeing the partially closed door, Qin Yu decided not to interrupt Second Young Master's "first time". He waved a hand and led six bodyguards after the mysterious person.

Today was the Young Master's first day back home and his whole schedule had been kept secret. Who on earth exposed it?

Whatever X-rated situations that Qin Yu imagined would take place in Room 1818 never occurred.

Before Chi Wan could wrap herself around his body, Wen Mo landed a swift chop on the back of her neck.

She was an alluring sight and could easily arouse the desires of most men.

However, Wen Mo belonged to the minority. 

He sat on the edge of the bed and adjusted his scruffy collar slowly, not throwing a single glance at Chi Wan.

Suddenly, a pair of snow-white arms enveloped his waist. The scent of jasmine which originated from the woman wafted into his nose. Wen Mo frowned.

Wen Mo was a gentleman, thus he was patient towards the woman, but this did not mean that he did not have a temper.

The woman kept violating him repeatedly which irritated him.

As he was about to knock her out again, Chi Wan leaped forward relentlessly and wrapped her arms around his neck as she moaned.

"Ah Ye, why did you do that… Did you give up our relationship just like that…"

The crease between Wen Mo's brows deepened. Suddenly, his neck felt cold.

Was she crying?

"Second Young Master…"

Qin Yu had returned and he pushed the door open. When he saw this appalling scene, he quickly turned around and nearly shouted in exclamation!

Wen Mo regained his composure and landed another firm chop on Chi Wan without further hesitation.

This time, the force was directed upon the back of her head. He was certain that she would be knocked out for at least half an hour.

Wen Mo clearly noticed a subtle smile that formed on the woman's lips right before she became unconscious. It was as if a great burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

His heart, which had always been as calm as the smoothest waters, skipped a beat.

Perhaps he was wrong. This woman was just an unlucky wretch who ended up as a pawn.

Qin Yu looked at Wen Mo as he placed the woman on the bed and covered her with a blanket. He heaved a sigh of relief.

'Lil Mo. Still the same innocent guy, as always.'

"Get Peter," Wen Mo rubbed his hands and spoke calmly.

Peter was his personal doctor. It was obvious why he wanted the doctor here.

Qin Yu nodded. Before he left, he asked, "Second Young Master, somebody took a photo of you and this lady just now. Should I give a warning to the media?"

Wen Mo paused, then replied, "No need."

He added after seeing Qin Yu's puzzled expression, "It's probably too late anyway."

Qin Yu seemed doubtful. He nodded and left.

Ten minutes later, a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes entered the room, carrying with him a first aid kit. Under Wen Mo's guidance, he injected some medicine into Chi Wan's body.

"Actually, you can help her recover with this medicine."

Wen Mo waved a hand, signifying that the doctor could leave now.

Peter rubbed his nose and muttered, "If you're hiding any illnesses, Second Young Master, you mustn't give up on your treatment. Just tell me and I'll help you!"

Wen Mo threw a sideways glance at Peter with his pair of lightly-colored eyes. "Do you want me to leave any hidden illnesses on your body?"

The doctor shuddered and scurried away hastily.

Wen Mo stood by the bed and looked down on the unconscious Chi Wan. He narrowed his eyes, left some objects behind and left.

He had no interest in becoming a replacement.

The room was pitch black when Chi Wan awoke.

She ignored the gnawing pain at the back of her head as she turned on the lamp on the bedside table. The piercing rays of light hurt her eyes and she held up her hand in reflex.

She leaned against the headboard weakly and did not know how to react. It was not until she recalled the events that happened prior to her loss of consciousness that her face turned pale!

Chi Wan bit her lips and sensed the fatigue in her own body. A feeling of hopelessness began to appear.

Did she and that man…

Probably not?

Chi Wan had no knowledge of such matters and was not sure what really occurred.

Something red caught her eye. She turned and noticed a stack of hundred-yuan notes and a piece of paper weighed down by an ashtray. There was a line of words written on the paper.

She held the piece of paper and noticed the phone number and sentence on it.

—— If the need arises, you can contact me anytime.

The impact of the sentence was as great as the man himself. The aura of it caused Chi Wan's hand to shake!