How Much Do You Charge For A Night?

"Goddess… It's really you…"

Everything happened too quickly. Before Chi Wan could react, the young man was hugging her waist tightly!

He pressed his charming face onto her abdomen and rubbed against it…

Chi Wan exploded into rage. However, before she could speak, the man asked brazenly, "God… Goddess, how much… How much do you charge for a night?"


This man was much worse! What sort of a woman did he think she was?!

Chi Wan was overwhelmed by anger. The last shred of sanity within her had torn apart.

She lifted the man with all her might and slammed him against the wall fiercely!

His 1.8 meter-tall body banged against the wall and then landed face-down on the coffee table.

The sound of shattering glass was heard. In the end, he lay on a pile of broken glass, and debris and moaned in agony.

The moment Rong Xi forced himself onto Chi Wan was the moment Wen Mo lost his cool.

He was about to stop his friend when Chi Wan beat him to it.

Wen Mo's heart skipped a beat and he regarded the mess calmly. An urge to laugh was displayed on his face.

Gu Xicheng, who was beside them, glanced at Chi Wan and whistled dramatically.

"Chicks these days are quite smart. This move will definitely get the attention of men."

He hooked his arm around the sexy woman next to him, who had been scared speechless, and grinned. "Watch and learn. She's an expert and it's no wonder she can become Second Young Master Wen's woman."

Although the relationship was fake.

The woman nodded instinctively and felt a sudden pain in her jaw. She lifted her gaze and met a pair of eyes filled with brutality.

"But, don't use it on me, or else you'll meet a horrible end."

The woman went pale and dared not utter a word.

Rong Xi had his senses knocked into him after he got thrown aside. With a wronged expression, he regarded Chi Wan tearfully. 

"Goddess, I can't believe you were so rough towards me…"

Chi Wan could not stay there any longer. They were all crazy!

She turned on her heels and wanted to leave when Rong Xi grabbed her leg. "Don't go, Goddess!"

"Let go of me!"


"What do you want?"

He replied firmly, "Sleep with you!"


Wen Mo frowned and tried his best to suppress his irritation. He said, "Chi Wan, this is the first time Lil Bai has met you and he might have overreacted."

Chi Wan chuckled coldly. One had a tongue of poison while the other was consumed by his own lust. They were not good people at all!

Birds of a feather flock together. Having friends like these meant that Wen Mo was not a good person either.

However, Second Young Master Wen was an innocent bystander caught in a crossfire.

Chi Wan stayed reluctantly. She knew it was not the time for her to argue with Wen Mo.

Rong Xi noticed how serious she looked. He had come to his senses and realized that he said something wrong. He felt ashamed and regretful!

Earlier, he thought he was dreaming and accidentally revealed his innermost desires…

"Goddess, the name's Rong Xi, but you can call me Lil Bai or Lil Bai Bai." Rong Xi approached Chi Wan and tears streamed down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I had too much to drink. Will you please forgive me?"

Chi Wan eyed him and noticed that Rong Xi had the face of a high schooler.

She became suspicious if he was of legal age.

Rong Xi possessed fine features. His lightly-colored lips had a glossy shine and he had a pair of large, watery and mesmerizing eyes. 

His soft, black hair hung loosely on his forehead. At a glance, he looked like one of those pretty boys from manga who had come to life.