Killing Night

"Help yourself, I have something else to attend to." Wen Mo won the bid and had to discuss some details.

Chi Wan nodded. "Alright."

He went to the center of the hall and chatted with a big-bellied, middle-aged man.

Chi Wan found a corner, took two slices of cake, and ate silently.

She did not know anyone there. Keeping her head down did not seem nice, thus she fixed her gaze on Wen Mo.

At the same time, she noticed a woman with a pretty face and hot figure rushing towards him bashfully. The woman pretended to trip over and fell towards Wen Mo's arms.

Wen Mo was a strange person. He shifted his body slightly and watched as the young lady fell on her back.

Chi Wan felt a painful sensation in her bones when she heard the loud thud.

The woman was lying on the floor in an embarrassing position. She regarded the unchivalrous Second Young Master Wen with accusation in her eyes.

Wen Mo's lips curved into a wan smile. His gaze was warm, yet it blatantly evoked a sense of detachment. When he presented his high and mighty charisma, the woman was stunned.

She suddenly felt shame engulf her.

"Sorry, a reflex." He smiled. There was neither snobbishness nor hostility in his gaze. Nevertheless, he gave off the impression that he was a divine being who should be viewed from a distance and revered.

Filled with regret, the woman lowered her head. She got up, muttered "Sorry" and walked away hastily.

Chi Wan opened her mouth in surprise. That one area she glanced at earlier in the room appeared in her mind and she started to blush…

Was the earlier incident a figment of her imagination?

She struggled to find a balance between reality and memory. When she saw the cunning expression on Wen Mo's face, a scary thought appeared in her mind.

As a Virgo with extreme OCD, she really wanted to know whether she remembered the past incorrectly or was there something wrong with her eyesight.

How could she find out?

Was she supposed to strip, wrap herself in a towel, and dash towards Second Young Master Wen again? Or should she just ask him whether he had developed a certain "reaction" towards her?

My god…

Chi Wan decided that she needed to calm down.

She walked out of the hall and went to the balcony to clear her head.

Whenever she was in an unfamiliar place, she was used to positioning herself at the most secluded corner.

Chi Wan sat down on a rocking chair at the balcony and contemplated. All of a sudden, she heard a strange noise, followed by a familiar, masculine voice. 

"Hit him!"

These two words were uttered in a casual, unconcerned manner. Yet, it sounded violent.

Chi Wan felt the blood in her body rush to her brain.

It was… Mu Yunshen's voice!

Why was he here?

The sound of a wooden stick hitting a body and the blood curdling cries of a gagged man fell on Chi Wan's ears. 

A wave of coldness spread across her body. Without warning, her hands, which were placed on the floor, turned wet.

Chi Wan thought of something and was alarmed!

"Young Master Mu, he's almost dead." The man in black checked whether the bloody man was still breathing.

Mu Yunshen merely said three words, "Throw him down."

Then, before Chi Wan could regain her senses, she heard another loud thud that came from downstairs.

She had to bite her lower lip firmly to stop herself from screaming.

Mu Yunshen…

Killed someone?!

Chi Wan's mind lapsed into a blank state. When she finally came around, there was only silence.

Mu Yunshen was probably gone. She stopped biting her lower lip and tasted fresh blood.