Drinking Would Lead To Bad Decisions

Qin Yu was eavesdropping outside the room and gasped. "Second Young Master, did Miss Chi… throw you out?"

This was the Young Master's home! Miss Chi was insane to do this!

Wen Mo glanced at him with an unreadable expression and remained silent.

Qin Yu comprehended a phrase from his gaze.

Get lost?

Cough cough cough…

He smiled sheepishly. "I have other things to attend to, so I'll leave now. Hehe, I'll be off!"

Wen Mo could not sleep as he laid on the huge bed in the guest room.

He drew one leg towards himself, leaned against the headboard, placed an arm on his knee, and lit a cigarette. He felt like he was going crazy.

Ever since he was a young man, he had been surrounded by all kinds of women.

After his coming-of-age celebration, he took over the family business and established M Corporation at the same time.

During this period, an increasing number of women offered themselves to him, ranging from wealthy socialites to celebrities and models.

He was totally disinterested in them. Qin Yu once even hinted that he should pay a visit to Dr. Peter.

As for Chi Wan, she did not have to tease him too much to cause his strange feeling to erupt.

Wen Mo puffed out a cloud of smoke.

He originally planned to announce his break-up with Chi Wan after half a month.

Now, it sure looked like that was not going to happen anytime soon.

As he recalled how he nearly succumbed to his sexual desires earlier, a bizarre emotion emerged.

His life was like a piano score that he carefully crafted. Chi Wan's appearance was similar to an unexpected note.

Her sudden presence messed up his rhythm.

Wen Mo was unsure whether this was a good or bad thing, but he knew for certain that he did not hate it at all.

He snuffed out the cigarette with a darkened expression.

The night turned into day stealthily, and a hungover Chi Wan finally arose from her deep sleep.

She had a splitting headache, so she massaged her temples while leaning against the headboard.

Once she had relaxed a bit, she lifted the comforter and discovered that she was only wearing her panties. Her pasties were missing and she was shocked…


She screamed. Though it was not loud, it was filled with helplessness and despair.

She slowly began to recollect the events that took place the night before. She hated the fact that she forgot everything after losing her consciousness!

Did she remove her clothes to seduce Wen Mo? Did she offer herself to him?!

Her mind was in a blank state. She noticed the pinkish residue on her collarbone, and a few blurry scenes flashed across her mind…

The saying that drinking would lead to bad decisions was true!

Knock knock knock.

A series of knocks on the door was heard. Chi Wan immediately covered herself up with the comforter.

"Who's that?" She asked cautiously.

The door opened and a solemn-looking woman, who was about thirty and had neatly-combed hair, entered.

"Miss, I'm the caretaker of Bamboo Garden."


Bamboo Garden must be Wen Mo's residence.

Chi Wan did not know what to say, so she simply nodded.

The caretaker clapped her hands and ten or so maids entered the room. Each one of them held an expensive garment of the latest fashion in their hands.

"Please pick one, Miss."

"Sorry, I would like my own clothes." Chi Wan was used to such situations and was not taken aback by the extravagance before her.

The caretaker lowered her gaze, hiding the contempt in her eyes.

"Your gown is soiled. In order to prevent it from affecting Bamboo Garden's environment, I've taken the liberty to throw it away. Miss, you can pick something that you like from these garments."

She paused, then added, "If you like all of them, I can have someone send them to your house, Miss."