Risk Her Life For Him

Chi Wan wanted to retaliate, but the rumble of another engine could be heard in the distance. A few seconds later, the blinding halogen headlamps of a car lit up, forcing her to shut her eyes.

A feeling of despair overcame her.

She was stuck between the devil, and the deep, blue sea. There was simply no chance of escape.

Enemies surrounded her from each side. Chi Wan was then restrained by a menacing man, who started dragging her towards the car!

She struggled relentlessly and screamed for help, but no one else was in sight!

"Scream again and I'll rip your throat out!" The man threatened her viciously.

Chi Wan's mouth had been covered, and she was pulled into the car. Her shins and arms ached a lot.

Just before the door of the car was slammed shut, she heard someone shout hoarsely, "Who's there?!"

The screeching sound of tires against the ground was heard. When the man who was grabbing hold of her got distracted, Chi Wan bit his arm violently!

She endured the throbbing pain in her shins and leaped out of the car hastily. As soon as she was out, she saw a Bentley that was parked quietly in front of the smaller cars with its headlamps turned on.

The light shaded a tall, lanky figure. The chilly night breeze blew against him, and his long trench coat swayed vigorously in the wind, making him look like an ethereal deity.

It looked like a man's silhouette.

As Chi Wan tried to make out who he was, the men who tried to abduct her charged towards the man!

The man merely stood there calmly and delivered two swift kicks when the thugs were close enough to him. He landed both kicks on their abdomens!

The thugs fell to the ground before they could even grunt in pain.

Each move by this man was explosive and lightning-fast. She only caught glimpses of those moves as he attacked the men. It took him only a few blows to knock down half of the crowd…

It was him!

It was him!!!

Wen Mo…

Chi Wan's eyes lit up as hope returned to her once more.

Just as Wen Mo was about to subdue another handful of thugs, a figure got out of the car behind them and approached Wen Mo discreetly. He held a dark, shiny object in his hand.

"Watch out!"

Chi Wan cried out. At the same time, she sprinted towards Wen Mo!

Wen Mo had just overpowered the last thug and turned around when he saw Chi Wan running towards him like a crazed little beast. She threw herself onto the man holding a handgun.


A gunshot resounded in the air.

Due to Chi Wan's sudden appearance, the shooter missed his aim at Wen Mo, and the bullet landed on the ground nearby.

He shoved Chi Wan away with a kick and aimed at Wen Mo again.

Chi Wan rolled on the ground in agony. She bit her lip, suppressed her pain, and opened her red, teary eyes. Without hesitation, she stood up and pounced on the shooter once more!

She was going to defend the person she wanted to protect, no matter how severely wounded she was.

Chi Wan would do something regardless of the cost.

There was only one thought in her mind. She must never, ever let Wen Mo be harmed because of her!

Wen Mo saw the scene that unfolded before him. For one fleeting moment, he could not move as a strong wave of emotions overcame him.

He never expected that a small, frail woman would look at death in the eyes to defend him, to put him out of harm's way, to…

Risk her life for him.

Wen Mo shook the overwhelming surge of emotions within him and gripped the shooter's wrist tightly. He dislocated the man's wrist joint with a forceful twist, which made the gun slip out of his grasp and land on the ground with a thud.

Wen Mo then pulled Chi Wan into his embrace. "Can you keep going?"