
A chamber pot was an inappropriate and tasteless gift, it was like giving someone a stained diaper, but the fact that the outlook of the chamber pot was like an antique, it could be mistaken for a weirdly-shaped antique vase with handles by young girls like the one standing in front of him and bought as a gift.

She was still too young to know better, even if the person who 'received' the gift knew what the thing really was, could he or she blame her naivety?

"Okay, alright, give me 50 then!" The owner did not want to make a losing proposition. It was an item he obtained for free, after all, as long as it could be sold, he would rather give her a huge discount.

50 dollars was quite a lot of money in this era, the monthly allowance for Zhou Xiaoxia and the girls was only 10 dollars! However, Jiang Yao did not bargain with the stall owner, she was a dimwit and a mischievous rich little girl now so she would not do such a thing as bargaining!