He Has A Gun!

Jiang Yao noticed the man with a fruit knife in his hand. Beaten up by Zhou Weiqi, his face was a gnarly mess of blood and bruises, and looked the part of an uncivilized pirate.

Seeing that Zhou Weiqi was not actually overwhelmed, she stood at the side watching the fight unfold instead.

Suddenly, a cry of pain pierced the air behind her, and a wooden stick flew by, brushing her face before falling on to the ground. Jiang Yao immediately took a few steps back in horror and turned her eyes toward where the sound originated.

"Jiang Yao! This guy was trying to assault you from behind!" Chen Xuyao stood erected, one foot on the fallen assailant's hand and another foot on his back. The man wailed in pain.

Chen Xuyao's office was only a ten-minute drive from this location. After receiving the call from Jiang Yao, he rushed over to the site, bringing two security guards from his company and saw, just in time, the thug creeping up to Jiang Yao.