I Can’t Let You Go

Annoyed, she pouted when he came back with the bottle of black vinegar in hand, and said that she wanted white vinegar instead.

Lu Xingzhi was not angry at all. He knew what Jiang Yao was up to. She was afraid of another sleepless night, ravaged by the insatiable being that was himself. Especially with her leaving tomorrow, he would spend the last night with her. She wanted to use up his energy by asking him to go on mindless errands in hopes that he would feel exhausted by nightfall.

So much so that she was hoping that he would get annoyed and get angry at her, which she would then use as an excuse to start a fight and proceed to ignore him for the rest of the night.

Lu Xingzhi saw right through her little scheme.

However much he was running around the platoon in the afternoon, he promised to himself that he would give her as much love as he could at night.