
Ruan Yongjun was in the kitchen. When he saw Lu Xingzhi come down, he gave Lu Xingzhi and Jiang Yao's share of the meal to him separately. Naturally, there was a difference in treatment between friends and guests.

"Karu is back. I asked him to come over later. He's quite happy to hear that there's a new guest."Ruan Yongjun smiled. "There have been quite a number of people coming to the mine over the past two days. Look for Karu. I'll let them earn less of your middleman fee."

After Ruan Yongjun finished speaking, he looked around. After making sure that no one was there, he leaned closer to Lu Xingzhi and said in a low voice, "The task that you asked Karu to find someone to do has been completed. It's just something that happened on our way back. This matter has caused quite a stir."