Lu Xingzhi would make that decision. If Lu Xingzhi were agreeable, the inquiry into Sergeant Ge's property would finish there, with no more probing.
Sergeant Ge was a veteran who was also well-versed in the law. Naturally, he understood that if the scenario occurred and he were apprehended, all of his possessions would be confiscated and liquidated.
Sergeant Ge's goal in purchasing a few houses was to place them on the market so that if something happened to him and the court took his property, he would not have to delve further into the properties that he might have concealed elsewhere. Sergeant Ge must have intended to leave that money to his wife and children.
Liang Yueze said, "Sergeant Ge's wife is pregnant; she's two months along."
Lu Xingzhi gazed at the sky as though he was thinking about that problem.
He heard Lu Xingzhi say, "Investigate it."
Then he went away.