Lu Xingzhi drew Jiang Yao to his side and sat down when he noticed she was staring at him. "It is not that I am trying to be brave; it is just that I am quite familiar with my own body. When I am on a mission in the winter, it is not uncommon for me to spend a few hours lurking in the water. My body is unique. The water that you believe is cold is actually quite warm for me."
Lu Xingzhi gently explained to her since he knew she was frightened. He felt terrible, even if she did nag a little.
Furthermore, as he spoke with her, he bent down and removed her shoes and socks, which he placed by the fire to dry. Then he wrapped his coat around her feet, which he had left by the side before entering the river. "The routes in the mountains are difficult to navigate. Don't stomp your feet."
Lu Xingzhi's caring deeds cut through all of his remarks.