Cochlea Galactic Authority

I look to Xuilana and ask.

"should we, contact General Nadezhad?"

she replies unsure of herself.

"yeah I think we should."

we all get out of the vehicle and stare at the battleship orbiting the sky, just like the other civilians who have done the same, I then ask Raylee while Xuilana begins dialing on her mobile device.

"should we be panicking?"

she responds.

"until they start bombing the city, we should assume that their visit was expected by the military."

I then ask.

"shouldn't a meeting like that be done at the capital planet?"

she shakes her head.

"no it is done in the outer most planets of each empire, because if it is done at the capital planet it would put both sides in danger of starting another war."

I then think to myself.

"that makes sense, many things can go wrong if things are done at the capital planet."

Emilia asks.

"Rodriguez, should we really involve ourselves in their diplomatic affairs and conflict with this empire?"

I reply.

"if we are in danger then yes we will defend ourselves, but we will not involve ourselves in offensive combat though."

she salutes me.

"yes sir."

I shake my head.

"you don't need to do that, our military ranks don't matter now."

she replies.

"still, I'll follow you into battle if the time ever comes."

I sigh.

"thanks Emilia, but let's just hope it's just a visit and not anything serious."

Xuilana then calls for our attention and says.

"General Nadezhad just told me that the Premier Leader of Cochlea Galactic Authority is aware the discovery of you guys and is making demands to see the both of you, or another conflict between both empire will start again."

I ask.

"where are we getting picked up?"

she answers.

"at the International Ground Station, a transport shuttle will be picking us up."

I reply.

"alright let's get going then."

she replies.

"well we are going to have to go on foot because we are stuck here."

I sigh.

"that's fine, walking is no big deal to me."

Emilia adds on.

"me either."

Xuilana mouth drops open and looks at us like we are crazy.

"but that is like an hour of walking."

I reply.

"well we better get going then."

I look to Raylee and ask.

"want to come along?"

unsure how to respond, she asks.

"is it okay for me to do that?"

I nod.

"of course and besides this is huge story you can report on right."

she replies with a smile.

"you've got a point there."

we the start our long one hour long towards International Ground Station, where we witness many civilians who are looking at the massive battleship in orbit, I then ask myself.

"why aren't they panicking, shouldn't the sudden appearance of a battleship worry them?"

we arrive at the International Ground station, and immediately tell the first soldier we see, about me and how General Nadezhad has arranged a transport shuttle for us, and after informing him the soldiers get in formation to escort us towards the embarkation area where we are lead inside the transport shuttle, and after taking a seat, I ask Xuilana out of curiosity.

"how are the Cochlea like?"

she answers.

"they are a ruthless race that rule by force and due to their mindset, they rule two different species under their empire."

I ask.

"did they try to do that to elves as well?"

she nods.

"yes, but they failed to do so, and since they were suffering more losses then us in the final stretch of the war, they finally wanted call for a ceasefire between our empires and our government agreed to it."

as we continue to ascend higher into space, I think to myself.

"alright I'm going to have to remain a cool head and not offend their leader."

I then say to Emilia knowing full well how she is.

"hey when we meet the leader if the Cochlea, I want you to mind your manners, the last thing we need is to start a conflict between these empire because of something you said."

she nods.

"yes sir, err I mean yes Brian I understand."

Xuilana then teases Emilia.

"oh are you a well know troublemaker?"

Emilia shakes her head.

"no, of course not."

I chuckle.

"when we were first put together as pilot and co pilot, she insulted our superior officer."

I smile and ask her, even though I knew what she called him.

"what was it that you called him?"

she avoids making eye contact with me and answers awkwardly while lightly scratching her cheek.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Brian."

Xuilana gets curious.

"what did she call him?"

I reply.

"she called him a humorless sociopath."

she asks.


I reply.

"because during lunch I usually sit with him, and she since we were teamed up, she sat with us and tried telling a joke to him, and after not laughing to her joke, she called him that and got thrown in the brig."

I then say to Emilia.

"so just let me do all the talking, if they decide to talk to us."

Xuilana adds on.

"which you should expect, since they seemed pretty set on meeting you two."

I sigh.

"yeah well I figured that would be the case."

I then ask.

"so how did they get the information about us?"

she answers.

"it was bound to happen since our media kept talking about you, and them having their spies

tell them."

I ask.

"so your empire, has species from the Cochlea empire?"

she nods.

"yeah, just because they were born there, it doesn't mean they have to live with an oppressive government."

since I grew up with an enemy hell bent on killing us, I couldn't really relate to their situation, so I just reply.

"I don't really get it, but I see."

Raylee asks.

"is it because, you two grew up where the enemy just wanted to kill?"

we both nod and I reply.

"there was a time where things like that happened, but the was way before the A.I went rogue and unfortunately we weren't born yet."

after hours of flying we finally land in the hangar bay of Nibius Prime Planetary Defense Station, where I catch a glimpse of the species of the Cochlea Empire, and they share very human like features, except for their eyes, they have ocular tentacles that come out of their eye sockets, and have the eyeballs at the very end, very similar to a snail's eyes, I look at Emilia and see her staring in awe at each one pass by, while I try to keep my manners and not do anything to offend them in any way, and as we get escorted by elf soldiers to our destination, I think to myself.

"I was well aware that other alien species were inhabiting this galaxy, but seeing them with my own eyes is really something to behold."

after arriving outside of a meeting room, a Cochlean soldier points at Xuilana and Raylee and says in the elf language.

"you two are not needed here, wait outside."

they are both escorted away while me and Emilia walk inside together, I then take a deep breath as I get greeted by a well dressed Cochlean, in the elf language.

"welcome friend, I'm the Premier Leader Vaatnoir it is a pleasure to meet the long lost relative of our species."

I get confused on why he would assume that and think to myself.

"oh no, now I see what this is about, they want their part in studying me just like the elves did and try to confirm that me and Emilia are part of their missing evolutionary chain."

I reply using the elf language as well and extend my hand for a handshake.

"my name is Brian Rodriguez."

he looks at my hand and asks with curiosity.

"is that how you greet others?"

I nod my head, he extends his hand and asks.

"like this?"

I nod and grab his hand to show him how to do a firm handshake.

"it's a pleasure to meet you sir."

I point at Emilia.

"and that is my companion Emilia Schmidt."

he chuckles.

"what strange names you have, but it is also my pleasure to meet the both of you."

I then ask.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but is there a reason you wanted to meet the two of us."

he clears his throat.

"ah of course, we have an offer for you and your companion."

I respond.

"what kind of offer?"

he looks at President Shataluv, and says.

"I don't know what kind of misinformation the elves have been telling you but they clearly hold a grudge against us since the end of the war."

President Shataluv interjects himself.

"we have done no such thing, and you bringing these issues up, shows how insecure you are about they might think about you and your empire."

he ignores him and says.

"if you come join our empire, we will give you full citizenship without having to serve in the military and you would be treated like royalty."

even though I've made up my mind about living as a resident in the Great Elf Empire, I ask feeling curious about what he is in mind for us.

"if I accepted your offer, what do you expect in return?"

he replies.

"obviously we want to study you and learn about the history of your people."

sensing that he wants more I ask.

"is that all?"

he continues.

"obviously, we want to research your ship, it contains technology that surpasses every empire in this galaxy."

I look to President Shataluv and ask.

"is this true?"

he nods.

"yes, even our best scientist are having a hard time understanding any of the inner workings of your ship."

I sigh and think to myself.

"I knew full well that the gap in technology was huge, between my technology and theirs, but I was unaware that it was the case with the other empires occupying this galaxy."

after wondering about this new information, I come up with a conclusion and say.

"okay, from this day forward, I'll be repossessing my ship."

President Shataluv asks.

"may I ask why?"

I reply.

"because any empire that has the superior technology will use it to wage a wide scale war throughout the galaxy, and since I've had enough of that, I want to avoid that."

Premier Vaatnoir responds.

"I agree with him, so tell us what do you have in mind?"

not wanting to look like he is being unreasonable President Shataluv says.

"go ahead we are listening."

I sigh and think to myself.

"and here I thought I wasn't going to get involved in their affairs, but if what I say next guarantees peace between the two empires, then it should be okay."

I then say.

"I want the two of you to sign an official peace treaty."

President Shataluv replies.

"impossible, they will not honor it."

Premier Vaatnoir responds.

"of we get equal access to you like the elves have gotten and forbid the research of your ship to halt any unfair technological advancements, then I'll sign a peace treaty."

he smiles at the president and says to me.

"as you can see we are not unreasonable, unlike the elves."

I ask the president.

"so what do you think, should we get a peace treaty signed?"

he sighs with a defeated voice.

"fine let's draft together the terms and conditions of this peace treaty until we are both satisfied and then sign it."

I nod.

"I agree, you two sit together and work it all out."

Shataluv looks at me and says.

"but of course you will also be involved with helping us put together the peace treaty."

I groan and think to myself

"I was hoping, that I didn't have to do anything but get them together, but alas I got caught in between them and have no choice but to help them draft up a peace treaty."

I look to Emilia who smiles and waves goodbye.

"good luck Brian, I'll be waiting outside for you."

as we are left alone, we begin to set the terms and conditions of the treaty.