A New Contract

"Miss Xia, Young Master Chi has ordered me to send you this message." The Special Assistant took out a piece of document from his folder and handed it to Xia Changyue.

"Young Master Chi said, if Miss Xia is willing to sign this contract, you not only do not need to go to the police station, but he will also consider returning the previous contract that the Yan Corporation signed with you."


Xia Changyue lowered her gaze to read the contents of the contract. Her eyes narrowed.

Her exquisite face became pale.

She must have misread it.

Why would Yan Chengchi make her sign a contract like this?

"I will be waiting here for Miss Xia to decide." The Special Assistant stood at the side quietly while holding the folder in his hands.


Was he making her sign this contract as a form of revenge?

Her worst fear in this world was facing his contemptuous look.

However, if she refused, she would be going to jail for theft right now. The Yan Corporation didn't even have to sue her for breach of contract and infringement of rights.

She could not go to jail…

Xia Changyue's hands turned white as she grasped the contract tightly. She said, "I can sign this contract, but I want to have the script's contract first!"

"Please follow me, Miss Xia." The Special Assistant's eyes glistened as if he already expected her answer. He gestured to the security officers to move away.

"Where are you taking me?"

Xia Changyue's arms were released suddenly. She moved her arms, which were already numb. She looked very uncertain and had absolutely no idea what was waiting for her at all.

Furthermore, wasn't her contract already here in Yan Chengchi's office? Why did they have to go to another place?

"The contract in this office is only a copy, the original is not here." The Special Assistant understood her bewilderment and explained to her with a blank face.


A copy.

The contract, which she had spent half a day hesitating if she would steal it or not and was the reason why she was almost taken as a thief, was just a copy!

Xia Changyue was so flabbergasted that her eyes were outstretched.

Thus, all these really were just a set-up? From the moment she stepped into the president's office, she had walked into Yan Chengchi's trap?

Before Xia Changyue could open her mouth to speak, the Special Assistant had already turned and walked toward the lift.

Birds of a feather flock together. Both the boss and assistant were equally conceited and unapproachable. It surely wouldn't hurt them to explain a little more, right?

The sky turned dark silently. Xia Changyue had no choice but to leave the Yan Corporation building with the Special Assistant.

The car stopped in front of an opulent restaurant.

The bright signboard was especially eye-catching under the dim moonlight.

"This way, please, Miss Xia." The Special Assistant continued to lead the way.

Xia Changyue looked at the beautiful restaurant lobby and felt a sense of dread in her heart.

Yan Chengchi wouldn't be that nice to treat her dinner…

However, to retrieve the contract, she did not have the choice to refuse.

Xia Changyue didn't dare to ponder in case she lost the courage to walk in. She decided to walk straight in before the Special Assistant could hurry her along.

The vast dining hall was resplendent. The light from the chandelier was shining down so brightly, making the room look as bright as day.

A row of impeccably dressed waiters was setting down the courses onto the table.

The aroma from the delicious food filled the air.

The entirety of the luxurious restaurant that could hold hundreds of customers was reserved.

Yan Chengchi sat alone at the table. His seductive eyes closed slightly. His long and straight nose cast a shadow on his perfect self profile. He looked almost as exalted as a god from afar.

An aloof person who had separated himself from the rest of the world.

As if he had sensed the presence of an intruder, Yan Chengchi turned his head abruptly and focused on Xia Changyue with cold eyes precisely at the moment she walked in.

Xia Changyue was so taken aback that she stopped walking. She desperately wanted to escape in that split second.