Retaliate Strongly


Xia Changyue's eyes narrowed and bit her lips, unable to utter a word.

Jiang Mingna's every word hurt her heart, but she couldn't rebut at all.

Yan Chengchi hated her so, he wouldn't agree even if she begged him.

"Excuse me."

Nobody knew when the Special Assistant had walked back and approached them. " Young Master Chi is already in the meeting room. He wants me to invite Director Wang and Miss Xia over to discuss the contract of the script's copyright transfer."

"What are you saying?" Xia Changyue was stunned, and she looked at the Special Assistant in shock.

Was she having auditory hallucinations?

Yan Chengchi's special assistant was inviting her to discuss a contract.

Didn't he show no interest in her script earlier?

Nope, he wasn't even willing to take another look at her.

Why would he suddenly want to discuss the script with her?

"Did you get things wrong, Special Assistant Jin? Is Young Master Chi sure about discussing a contract with Xia Changyue?" Jiang Mingna asked agitatedly before the director could even speak.

Her face, with green and purple patches, looked ominous now.

She lost her cool and growled softly, "Yan Chengchi hates her so much, there's no way Yan Corporation will collaborate with her!"

"Young Master Chi doesn't need his decisions for anyone." The Special Assistant glanced at Jiang Mingna coldly then shifted his gaze to the stunned Xia Changyue.

"Please bring along your script, Miss Xia. This way, please."

"Oh, oh," Xia Changyue managed to regain a little of her wits and answered dazedly. She followed the Special Assistant for about two steps before stopping suddenly as she remembered something.

"May I bother you to wait for a moment, Special Assistant Jin."

Xia Changyue backtracked a few steps and looked at Jiang Mingna's dumbfounded face. She scanned her face for a while and began to smile.

"I remembered someone just said if I can make Yan Corporation collaborate with me, she will kowtow and apologize?"


Jiang Mingna's body stiffened, and she heard giggles from the crew members around. She became enraged with embarrassment.

"Don't you be happy so soon, Xia Changyue. I will not let you off!"

Jiang Mingna turned and saw the crowd laughing at her. She immediately used her bathrobe to cover her face and run into the dressing room.


She finally got back at her after tolerating her for half a day. Xia Changyue couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile.

She remembered that Yan Chengchi's Special Assistant was still waiting for her, so she quickly turned and caught up with him in a jog.

She followed the Special Assistant to the meeting room.

Xaa Changyue felt that her heart was back to her throat as she got nearer to the meeting room.

She still didn't understand why Yan Chengchi returned. Didn't he already leave?

Furthermore, wasn't he avoiding her, so why did he agree to negotiate about the script with her…

Xia Changyue got more nervous as she kept thinking about the situation.

She followed the director into the meeting room while holding her script with both her hands.

The chandelier was shining brightly in the huge meeting room.

Yan Chengchi sat alone at the immensely long meeting table.

His perfect side profile looked even more distinct under the light.

He was looking at the roses in full bloom outside of the windows. However, he seemed to be reminiscing something when he looked at them.

He lowered his gaze and turned his head slowly when he heard the footsteps at the door.

He looked at Xia Changyue with a piercing gaze immediately as she stepped into the meeting room.

He stopped her in her tracks with just one look. She was too scared to continue walking.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, Young Master Chi," the director walked straight up to Yan Chengchi to suck up to him. He didn't realize Xia Changyue's odd behavior.

Yan Chengchi did not answer and continued staring at Xia Changyue.