Have You Felt My Sincerity

His chest felt slightly heavy, contemplating whether to dig Yu Song's eyes out.

Outside Shen Fanxing's unit, Yu Song suddenly sneezed without any omen.

Watching Bo Jinchuan's dashing face, Shen Fanxing gave a faint laugh.

"Is this you emphasizing your sincerity?"

Tracing the smile of Shen Fanxing, Bo Jinchuan's dark orbs went a shade darker.

He closed the distance between them, his suit showing off his slender figure, his fragrance—regardless of which kind—immensely alluring.

Shen Fanxing shifted to the side subconsciously, but Bo Jinchuan reached out and trapped her to the wall.

He bent down towards her. With his dashing features near, she could feel the excruciating pressure of his presence.

Shen Fanxing straightened her back, which was practically glued to the wall already.

His face stopped a few inches away from hers, where she could obviously feel his breathing.

"So you have felt my sincerity."