An Unforgettable Past Relationship

Xia Xingchen's heart took a dip and she pitied her child.

It seemed that she should really find a chance to have a chat with that man tomorrow.

Xia Xingchen was already in a groggy state of mind due to sleepiness when she seemingly heard a noise at the door. The room was very dark and the lights were off. She saw a silhouette of a tall man slowly walking to the side of the bed, it then silently bent down to give Dabai's forehead a kiss. He then pulled the blanket that had been kicked away to the side over on Dabai.

The moonlight shone onto the man's face through the window and his expression looked calm as usual. However, he seemed a little gentler than the times he appeared on television.

Xia Xingchen smiled.

It seemed that Xia Dabai had misunderstood him. How could he possibly abandon him?


The next morning.

Xia Xingchen had just finished washing up. As she descended the stairs, she held her son's hands while both of them happily hopped and chatted. However, when the maid opened the flower carved door to the cafeteria, they saw a man sitting on the master seat of the dining table and they immediately kept quiet.

The temperature in the room immediately turned colder.

Somebody's presence was so big and dominating that they did not dare to play any tricks in front of him.

"Good morning, Little master and Miss Xia." The butler who was standing behind him greeted them.

"Good morning."

Xia Xingchen carefully greeted before pulling the children's chair and carried Dabai to sit on it. She then looked at the silent man who was reading his newspaper and recalled last night's incident, still feeling a little bad for it.

"Good morning, Mr. President." She gave an awkward greeting.

"Hmm," replied Bai Yeqing in a voice neither too bland nor oily.

"…" That was it? Xia Xingchen felt a little embarrassed and awkward. This man definitely wasn't an easy person to communicate with.

Dabai stared at him with wide eyes. "I thought you are not coming back ever again."

"Why?" Bai Yeqing kept his newspaper yet his reply did not sound as perfunctory as earlier on when he replied to Xia Xingchen.

The difference in treatment was indeed big.

Xia Xingchen silently complained in her heart.

"You didn't come back for such a long time. Was it because you regretted it and don't want me anymore?" asked Xia Dabai.

Xia Xingchen's hand, which was holding the cake spreader, slightly froze. She instinctively took a look at Bai Yeqing.

Bai Yeqing clearly did not expect that he would be asked such a question and stiffened. He then said, "You will forever be my son and I have never regretted bringing you here. I won't regret it in the future as well."

"Really?" Xia Dabai furrowed his fine eyebrows and tentatively looked at him before looking at Xia Xingchen. He did not seem to be sure whether his words were believable or not.

"Don't worry, your daddy is a man of his word. If he says that it is true, it will definitely be true." Xia Xingchen caressed her son's small head and consoled his sensitive heart. "Alright, let's eat breakfast."

When she talked to her son, she was very gentle. Bai Yeqing could not help but take a few more glances at her. Just solely looking at her now, it was very difficult to believe that she was the same woman who had slapped her in front of the watchful eyes of everyone present at that time.

She spread the icing on the cake and gave it to Dabai. Dabai was very happy and took a bite of the cake while pulling a brilliant smile. "It's so delicious. Big baby Xia, you should make one for daddy. I am sure he would like it."

"Is that so?" Xia Xingchen hesitantly glanced at the man. He had already retracted his gaze and was silently eating his breakfast. His posture was very elegant and refined that he looked very different from the pair of mother and son.

Even when she looked at them, they were people of two different worlds.

Xia Xingchen thought for a while and still passed the cake with mocha icing to him. He froze and raised his head to look at her but he did not take the cake.

When the butler saw her action, he immediately said, "Miss Xia, his excellency has obsessive-compulsive disorder." He then wore a disinfected glove and carefully spread the icing on the cake. It was not until then that the President took the cake.

'I see! He thinks I am dirty!'

Xia Xingchen could not help but feel embarrassed. Her hand was left hanging in the air and she felt very awkward. However, she could not possibly force him to eat it since she had no guts to do it nor had the power to force him. Perhaps, she would have been carried and thrown out if she really did that!

"Since Mr. President thinks that it's dirty, I will eat it myself then." She pouted and stuffed the cake into her mouth.

Bai Yeqing looked at her with a deep gaze while his eyes darkened, but he was speechless. He had never seen a woman who did not care about her image in front of him before. Shouldn't a woman take small bites when they were eating a cake? She, however, gorged down her food.

Xia Dabai, on the other hand, gave a look of pity and felt blue. It seemed that the chances of mother settling down with his President father were very slim!

After a few days, President Bai went missing again and he was probably so busy that he could not leave his work. Xia Xingchen also had a lot of her plate.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was going to welcome England's Prime Minister into the country. Since Xia Xingchen was still an intern, she cannot mess up.

On that day, the Prime Minister came in a car. Xia Xingchen and her colleagues were already standing at the door, preparing to welcome her.

The car stopped and the Prime Minister alighted from the car with a subordinate. There was an Asian who was especially striking among the bunch, too.

Although Xia Xingchen was standing at the end of the line, she recognized that man with a glance.

She had not seen him for five years and he had become more mature and dependable than before. Although he was standing alongside a line of elite Westerners, he still did not lose out to them, be it in terms of height or presence.

Xia Xingchen's gaze was fixed on him and she could not look away. The man followed the crowd and walked closer and closer to her…

He slightly turned his head and his eyes met Xia Xingchen's eyes.