Sleeping With My Child

Xia Xingchen thought she was very weird. She used to hate this man who impregnated her to the bones, and she even thought of how she would execute her torture methods of revenge, and yet now…

She felt that this man was not as distasteful as she initially thought he was.

The two of them did not speak on their way there. After they entered the children's room, they saw Xia Dabai sitting on the mat while playing with his airplane models.

It was Leng Fei who had gifted him those airplane models and the rascal had the gall to open the present already.

Both walked into the room but he did not raise his head and continued playing.

Bai Yeqing silently sat beside him. Whenever the little rascal had troubles assembling the airplane model, he would give him a part of the airplane and casually point at which part and the little rascal would get it.

He turned around to ask him, "You also know how to assemble?"

"A little." In reality, he had received different types of training ever since he was young. "Assembling models is an easy feat. Next time, I can teach you how to assemble firearms or other complicated weapons. Are you interested?"

Firearms, weapons?

Xia Xingchen who was at a corner immediately replied, "No, no. It's too dangerous."

"I like it! Little Bai, when can you teach me?" Dabai's dark eyes suddenly brightened up. He was still angry a while ago but now his anger was slowly appeased.

"Wait until you are done with these, I can teach you anytime." Bai Yeqing carried him to his thigh.

"These are too easy. I can settle them anytime. How about you teach me tomorrow?" Xia Dabai was already very excited to try.

"No. You can't teach him no matter when it is." Xia Xingchen was worried and cut him off again.

"Okay, I will teach you tomorrow." Bai Yeqing caressed his little head as he agreed.

"Long live daddy!" Xia Dabai excitedly pecked his cheek.

A rare faint smile appeared on his usually cold face.

"…" Xia Xingchen sat at a corner and looked at the pair of father and son with vengeance.

So, what did this mean? Both had totally ignored her.

If things already turned out this way now, what would happen when Miss Song married him in the future then?

By that time, they would be a real family, but she…

Thinking about this, Xia Xingchen's heart suddenly sank. She looked at the pair of father and son who were chatting happily. She slowly stood up and prepared to leave quietly.

"Big baby!"

Dabai suddenly called her.

She turned around.

"Dad has already agreed to accompany and sleep with me tonight." The child wore a happy expression.

"Is that so?" Xia Xingchen glanced at Bai Yeqing. Both of them indeed needed to build their relationship.

Xia Dabai suddenly made a request. "In that case, you should promise to sleep next to me tonight as well."

Xia Xingchen froze. "How can I do that? You only have one bed here."

There was not even a sofa here.

Xia Dabai looked at her with a pitiful face. "Other people's parents would sleep with their dad and mom. I am the most pitiful one here. If mommy is here, daddy would disappear and when daddy is here, mommy would disappear. Besides…"

Halting his sentence, he pitifully sniffed his nose and cried, "In the future, if daddy marries another woman, both of you cannot be here to accompany me anymore."

Xia Xingchen's heart ached upon hearing her child's crying words.

For so many years, both of them have let him down too much…

However, she cannot just agree. She and him… how can they sleep on the same bed?

She gave a pleading look to the President and thought that he would definitely reject the kid heartlessly. In the end, he glanced at her and said, "Just promise him."


Xia Xingchen thought that she had heard him wrong and stared at him with a surprised look.

He carried Xia Dabai down from his thigh and stood up. He faintly nagged, "Both of you can sleep first. I will come over after I have bathed."

"…" Xia Xingchen felt dizzy again.

The man walked out in big strides and she chased after him. She lowered her voice as she said, "Mr. President, why did you…"

"It's not that we have never slept together before, right?" He turned around to face her while remaining calm. "Calm down."


After he left, she was dragged to a small bed and felt as if there was a lack of oxygen in her brain.

How could this rascal say these nine words, 'It's not that we have never slept together before' so uprightly and righteously?!

He even told her to calm down! How could she cool down?

She hoped that his 'I will come over later' was just a brush off to Xia Dabai's request. The best would be that he would never come back.

Otherwise, she could forget about sleeping for the whole night.

"Big baby, your face is really red." Dabai's soft and squishy body was lying on the bed while his fingers were squeezing her hot and red cheeks.

"Really?" Xia Xingchen touched her own face and refused to admit. "My face is not red, it's just hot."

"It looks like you and Little Bai have slept together before. Why didn't you bring me along?"

"…" Xia Xingchen was on the brink of tears. Who said that she never brought him along? Wasn't it because she brought him along that she got pregnant with him?

"Kids don't understand."

"Big baby, is it true that after you sleep together, you would have another baby?" Xia Dabai gave her an innocent look.


"How about you and dad sleep together and make another baby? If you have another baby, dad wouldn't have to marry another woman."

Sleep to make another baby?

Xia Xingchen's mouth twitched. It was only him who would think of such a devious trick in this world.

"A baby isn't created just because two people sleep together."

"In that case, what else do they have to do?" Dabai curiously stared at her and then blinked. It was his kindergarten teacher who told him that they cannot randomly sleep with another girl, or else a baby would be born.

"Do you guys always discuss such issues?"

A clear voice suddenly interrupted their conversation. Bai Yeqing was wearing his black sleeping robe and leaning against the wall while calmly giving them a judging look.

Xia Xingchen made a crying face. She really wanted to find a hole and bury herself at that moment.

Did he hear their entire conversation? He would not have thought that she wanted to have another baby with him, right?


Dabai called his name in a clear voice and motioned him to come over. "Quickly come over! You will sleep on the right and Big baby will sleep in the middle. I will sleep on the left."

He said while his soft body rolled swiftly past Xia Xingchen to the left like a ball.

"Hey!" Xia Xingchen wanted to stop him. How could she sleep in the middle?

"Big baby, you are a woman. Little Bai and I are both guys so we can protect you." Xia Dabai looked towards the President. "Dad, you have no opinions, right?"

'He obviously would have something to say against it!'

Xia Xingchen growled in her heart.

However, she heard that man's deep voice linger around.

"Hmm, no opinions."