Mr. President is Hurt

"How did it turn out like this?" Chi Weiyang also noticed the news on the television.

"Was he hurt too?" mumbled Xia Xingchen with her heart in her throat. The accident in the White Plaza already made her terrified and frightened.

"Oh gosh, I heard that the President is hurt, is it real?"

"No way, is it serious?"

"Who knows? The president was probably the target of the explosion. But if the President was really hurt, I will feel very sorry for him." The other people in the lounge who heard about the news immediately started a discussion.

Xia Xingchen stared at the television and wanted to know more about the situation, however, even the news did not report the current happenings.

Chi Weiyang looked at the news. She then turned to Xingchen and waved her hands at her. "Hey! Xingchen, are you okay? Your face has already turned pale."

Xia Xingchen shook her head and grabbed Chi Weiyang's hand away—her gaze still fixed on the television.

"Why isn't there any more news?" She was very troubled and worried.

"Stop looking. The test is starting soon, we need to prepare for it," said Chi Weiyang.

"Weiyang, you go ahead first. I want to wait a little longer." She really wanted to make a call and ask for the exact details, however, she then realized that she did not have his phone number nor Leng Fei's.

Chi Weiyang looked at her before looking at the television again. "Who are you worried about?"

"Bai Ye…" She almost mentioned her name. It was not until she said half of his name that she realized her mistake and froze, not saying anything further.

However, Chi Weiyang still managed to get her point. "You mean the President?"

Xia Xingchen's mind was in a state of chaos, and she really did not have the energy to keep it from her anymore. She could only nod her head.

Chi Weiyang only took her concern as a normal citizen worrying about their leader. She said in a disapproving tone, "Oh, please. Stop having unnecessary worries. Does the President even need you to be worried about him? Besides, he has so many bodyguards, he is definitely fine."


"Of course. Is there anything more important than the test right now? Follow me." Chi Weiyang dragged her away.

However, she still felt very uncomfortable and worried. Although she was not watching the television anymore, she kept using her phone to catch up with the latest news. There were already rumors about terrorists creating the explosion to target the President.

Since there was no news, this meant that it was uncertain whether he was alive or dead!

Xia Xingchen was frightened and worried. It was not until the news confirmed that the President was fine that she heaved a huge sigh of relief. Her pale face finally had a smile on it.

Chi Weiyang stared at her for a long time and when she couldn't take it anymore, she said, "Xingchen, why do I feel like… there's something going on between you and the President. Why are you so worried about him?"

Xia Xingchen froze. She kept her phone and asked, "He is our President, aren't you concerned?"

"I am concerned, but unlike you, my concern is as normal as it could get. You are not just worried, aren't you? Those who know you would think that you are just being worried for the president, but for those who don't know you would think that you are worried about your lover or something!"


Xia Xingchen was stumped by Chi Weiyang's words.

Indeed, why was she so worried about him getting injured? They… to be honest, they were not even considered to be friends despite having done very intimate stuff.

No! No way! She would not be so stupid to the extent that she took that man for her lover!

"Stop spouting nonsense," refuted Xia Xingchen seriously. It seemed like she was offering Wei Chiyang her response, but it also seemed that she herself needed to hear her say those words too. "If I really have to say, my lover should be Xu Yan and not him."

Chi Weiyang stared at her and gave a light chuckle. "I was just joking and yet you thought it was real? The President is so handsome and is good at managing the country. Who wouldn't be worried if something happened to him? If it wasn't because we have a test soon, I would be worried about his safety, too."

Did that mean…

Her worries for him were no different from that of other people. It was normal, right? Yes, it must be so.

Upon having this realization, Xia Xingchen felt much better.

It was not even Xia Xingchen's turn for the test interview when her phone rang.

It was a foreign number.

She did not think so much and walked to a corner to answer the call.

"Hi, Miss Xia."

"Leng Fei?" She immediately recognized his voice. But why would he call her? "Is there a problem? I just saw the news and luckily, the President…"

"Miss Xia, his excellency is seriously injured and we need your help. Please come out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs now and I have already sent a car over waiting outside the building."

"What did you say?" Xia Xingchen's heart took a dip. "But it was said on the news that…"

"It is not convenient to say the exact detail over the phone, but the news about his excellency getting injured cannot leak out. Please come out immediately."

"Alright, I get it. I will come out now."

Her mind was filled with Leng Fei's words about 'his excellency is seriously injured'. She put away her phone and did not even tell the others before walking to the door.

Chi Weiyang was very sharp and grabbed her hand. "Hey! Where are you going? It's going to be your turn!"

"I am not taking the test anymore! You do your best!"

"Are you crazy?" Chi Weiyang stared at her. "This is a chance which you have fought for so long. Not everyone has a chance to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the chance is just right before you, but now you're saying that you are not taking the test?"

"I have something urgent." Xia Xingchen pulled her arm away as her face was filled with worries.

"What could be more urgent than your work?"

Xia Xingchen could not explain to her, so she dashed out of the building without giving an explanation. Chi Weiyang was so angry that she stomped her foot in anger, but she could only feel worried for her.

When she walked out of the building, a car was already waiting for her. Since the chauffeur had seen Xia Xingchen before, he recognized her as Bai Yeqing's confidant and let her inside the car.

On her way there, the car's atmosphere was very solemn. Although Xia Xingchen did not ask, she could guess from the chauffeur's expression that his injuries were very serious. She thought that the car would drive to President Manor however it made a few turns and drove to a secluded place.

After passing by countless sentry boxes, a close to a medium-size house finally entered her view. It looked very striking in such a peaceful and secluded place.

The car stopped and Leng Fei had already personally welcomed her.

Leng Fei's facial expression was really bad and upon seeing it, Xia Xingchen felt even more worried.

"How is he?"

"You will know once you go in."

She knew that Leng Fei's heart must feel very heavy at the moment, hence Xia Xingchen did not probe further. She could only ask, "I don't know what I can do for you guys."

Leng Fei did not answer and asked her a question instead. "Do you know how to cook?"

"Of course."

"How about washing or doing daily chores?"

"Hmm." She initially did not know how to do all these too, but after giving birth to Dabai, she naturally learned the ropes of it.

It was just that…

Why was Leng Fei still asking these kinds of questions at this point in time?"

"In that case, I would have to trouble you to take care of Mr. President for a few days. The political situation now is very unstable and the people within the country and outside the country have their eyes fixed on us. Hence, we must not let any outsider know about the President being injured. With no maids, we could only find you. I hope you can understand."