Experienced a Big Scene

He waited for a while but he still did not get an answer. He raised his eyebrows before hearing her speak. "Of course, I'm concerned. You are the most popular President in history and everyone is very concerned about you. Yesterday, when we saw the news about you possibly getting injured, my colleagues and I were very worried about you."

Bai Yeqing's eyes darkened and he coolly asked, "That's it?"

Xia Xingchen pretended to not understand his so-called 'That's it' and changed the topic without a trace. "You are so weak now and so, you should stop talking. Eat the porridge while it's still warm! Get well soon and your citizens would not be so worried anymore."

She fed the porridge to his lips. His curious eyes were fixed on her face for a little while as he seemed to be searching for a certain look on her face—be it whether her eyes turned lighter and darker. However, in the end, to no avail.

Bai Yeqing suddenly felt a little dull, but he did not say anything and only ate his porridge in silence. And all this while, his expression turned slightly colder.

The flirty and sweet atmosphere earlier on suddenly disappeared into thin air.

However, Xia Xingchen's heart right now was going through twists and turns. Was it just her being worried or was it the citizens being worried? She knew the answer very well.


In the afternoon, Fu Yichen came over to change the bandages.

He laid on his bed and fell asleep again.

"His forehead was burning the whole night, but when he woke up this morning, his fever had subsided. His appetite was not very good and he had only eaten two bowls of porridge for the whole day." Xia Xingchen responsibly reported the situation. However, since she was afraid that she would wake him up, she lowered her voice and continued, "After he woke up today, he looked very groggy. Doctor Fu, is he okay?"

"Hmm, this is normal. After all, his injuries were not light." Fu Yichen took a look at Xia Xingchen. "I am going to change his bandages, please help me with it."


Xia Xingchen followed Fu Yichen's instructions and took a pair of scissors as she prepared to cut the bandage on his chest.

She hadn't even made a move when he woke up all of a sudden.

He saw the pair of scissors nearing his body and he slightly furrowed his eyebrows. He asked in a lazy voice, "What's happening?"

"Doctor Fu is here and he is checking your wounds now." Xia Xingchen's voice was also very soft. "It might be a little painful."

Her gentle and soft side unknowingly made the lines on Bai Yeqing's forehead disappear.

He tried his best to keep his heavy lids open. "Pass me the scissors and you can go out."

"Why? I am Doctor Fu's assistant now so I cannot go out."

"That's it, if I tell you to go out it means you have to go out." Bai Yeqing raised his hand and wanted to snatch the pair of scissors away; however, she was agile and had raised it higher for him not to reach it.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

Was this woman bullying him, now that he was a patient?

He glanced towards Fu Yichen. "Make her go out."

Fu Yichen gave Xia Xingchen a meaningful gaze before he turned to Bai Yeqing. He could not help but curl his lips upward. "Miss Xia, his excellency's wound is very bloody and he is afraid that you couldn't take it. If you are scared, you can go out and I can just get him to help."

Once he said his piece, Bai Yeqing's sharp gaze looked towards him.

'This rascal! Who allowed him to say so much nonsense? Busy-body!'

Xia Xingchen was stumped at first and subconsciously took a peek at Bai Yeqing. Was he… really afraid that his wounds would scare her?

Since he did not refute Doctor Fu, Doctor Fu… was probably right?

Her heart wavered and she could not help but chuckle. "Don't worry. I am not so much of a scaredy-cat. Besides… his injuries are so severe, even if he wants to help, he probably can't do much."

Fu Yichen nodded his head. "It would be better if you would stay."

"…" Bai Yeqing was a little unhappy. So, these people totally ignored his opinion right in front of him?

When Fu Yichen was preparing the medicine, Xia Xingchen helped to remove the bandage on his chest and hand.

Every time she cut the bandage, her breathing became more unstable. She had seen his wounds on the first day and now that she thought about it again, she still felt it looked very gruesome.

Her action became more careful since she was afraid of hurting him.

Bai Yeqing's eyes never left her face and he saw her furrowed eyebrows as well as her pale face. He said in a deep voice, "Don't force yourself."

"Don't belittle me." Xia Xingchen raised her eyes to look at him before focusing on her job again. "Although I have not seen such a serious wound before in my life, I still have seen, no, I am still a person who experienced a big scene before."

"You? What kind of big scene have you experienced?" Bai Yeqing casually chatted with her. Her being focused on something was actually very attractive.

"Back then, when I was giving birth to Xia Dabai, I lost a lot of blood and my life was hanging by a thread. The doctor even let my dad sign the Informed Consent document. However, luckily, I survived the ordeal. Otherwise, you will not even see me now. Hence, is this considered as experiencing a big scene?"

When Xia Xingchen was narrating her experience, her tone was very light-hearted that she even had a faint smile on her lips. After she was finished with her story, she did not forget to look up to face him, and she seemed to be waiting for him to nod his head.

Bai Yeqing eyebrows suddenly twitched as his expression turned sour.

This woman could actually still laugh it out!

"Can you stop being so stern?" His solemn expression made Xia Xingchen stick her tongue out. "Alright, I shouldn't talk about this kind of stuff at this point in time."

She lowered her head and continued getting busy. Her hair fell and covered half of her delicate face.

Bai Yeqing stared at her and the image of her lying on the operation table while feeling very scared and helpless suddenly appeared in his head.

Leng Fei had always followed up on her matters; however, he never told her about her losing a lot of blood.

Now that he heard it, he was surprised and he could feel his chest tighten.

His long fingers suddenly reached out and tucked the strands of hair that fell along her face behind her ear.

His fingertips slipped past her earlobe and Xia Xingchen froze, causing her heart to feel more complicated.

She subconsciously turned to face him and saw that faint yet deep and complicated gaze in his eyes. Her heart skipped a beat.

She uncomfortably tucked her hair behind her ear and did not say anything, only silently continue doing her stuff.

It was just that…

His gaze from earlier on kept replaying in her head.

That complicated gaze… what was it?

Fu Yichen, who was standing at a corner, noticed the slight interaction between them. As he looked at them, he could not help but curl his lips upward.

He had grown up together with Bai Yeqing in the military and yet, this was the first time he saw him interact with a girl like this.

It was just that…

Would there even be a future for both of them?

Xia Xingchen had finished cutting the bandages and the wound could be clearly seen. Although she had seen it before, she only dared to take a look and never again.

The wound was so deep. How painful and torturous must it have been?!

Fu Yichen's expression was also very solemn. "The medicine is very strong and so, it might be a little painful."

"Stop talking and put on the medicine."

Fu Yichen nodded and put a little of the medicine on his wound.

At that moment, Bai Yeqing's uninjured hand immediately grabbed the sheets of the bed. The excruciating pain made his lips turn pale all of a sudden. While tiny beads of sweat formed on his forehead. However, even if that was so, he gritted his teeth in determination and did not let out a single cry.

Xia Xingchen only felt that her heart was clenched into a ball.