Don't Trample on Yourself momentarily

Every word was filled with ridicule. It was as if there was a thorn piercing into her ear and heart.

She raised her head to face the man before her. "In that case, based on Mr. President's point of view, what kind of man should I like who is not considered as casual and lustful?"

She gave a faint smile which had a hint of bleak emptiness. It actually made his chest feel suffocated.

"Do you want to know what my Grandma told me before I went for the blind date? She told me that I don't have the right to complain about this or that? Even if he was a divorcee or a random thug, as long as the other person likes me, I should feel thankful to him. Do you want to know why?"

Bai Yeqing remained silent, only pursing his lips while waiting for her to continue.

She took a deep breath while wearing a smile on her face. However, that smile looked especially sarcastic to him.

"Because when I was eighteen, I got pregnant even before getting married and my child doesn't even know who his father is. I also tainted the Xia Family's name… In that case, if I shouldn't seek to date a divorcee teacher, what kind of person do you think I should find? With my standing now, can I even still find a fine man?"

After she said her piece, his gaze on her darkened.

He remained silent for a long time and felt as if a bunch of cotton candy was stuck in his throat, making it hard for him to breathe. He actually never thought having a kid would bring so much trouble to her life.

Xia Xingchen did not say anything further and did not wish to do so. She pushed the door to the bedroom to go inside.

However, she had not even taken a step forward when the man suddenly grabbed her wrist.

She was stumped.

When she turned around, the man bent down and his handsome face immediately came closer to her. She immediately stopped breathing and her hand that was gripping the door handle became tighter.

"Xia Xingchen, listen carefully! Don't trample on yourself so easily!" Bai Yeqing's tone was very overbearing. His breath landed on Xia Xingchen's hand and it had very strong aggression to it. "Stay away from divorcee men or those who had children before! If I were to find out that you really ended up with that man, I definitely would not let you off! Besides, I have many ways to break you guys off!"

Xia Xingchen blinked her eyes.

'Isn't this man too overbearing?!'

Besides, on what grounds… did he have the right to stop her from interacting with others? Even Dabai did not say anything about it!

She just wanted to say something, however, he only gave a strong glare and did not stay any longer.

He entered the room and slammed the door with a 'Bam!'

Xia Xingchen made a crying face. What exactly was happening?

The next day.

In the morning.

Xia Xingchen was still upstairs packing her stuff and only Dabai and Bai Yeqing were in the cafeteria.

Xia Dabai was munching on his cake while saying, "Dad, Big baby Xia and you disappeared and came back at the same time. Don't tell me that… both of you spend time together behind my back?"

This little rascal was very weird.

Bai Yeqing glared at him. "Did you encourage her to go on the blind date?"

"Yup." Xia Dabai's thinking was as simple as someone pounding garlic. "I initially wanted to marry Big baby but Big baby said that I am too young. Dad, you were actually very suitable for her but you didn't want to marry her and so, I could only encourage Big baby to go on a blind date."

Bai Yeqing put down his spoon and looked at his son who was sitting on his children's chair. He asked an irrelevant question, "Didn't we previously talked about me teaching you to assemble firearms, are you still interested?"

"I am interested! Of course, I am interested!" Upon the mention of this, the little rascal's eyes immediately lit up. "When are you teaching me? You can brush me off this time anymore, otherwise, I will get angry!"

When he completed his sentence, he even pouted while his fair and soft arms were folded in front of his chest.

"When she comes down later, you tell her that you don't want her to go on a blind date anymore. If you say it, I will arrange for someone to teach you."

"No way?" The little rascal's mouth twitched. "Little Bai, isn't this what you wanted to say? You don't like Big baby to go on blind dates?"

"…That's not it."

"In that case, why do you want to make me say it?"

"Do you still want to learn it?" Bai Yeqing asked.

"Of course, I want to!"

"In that case, just do as I say and don't ask about anything else."

Hmph! He was blatantly threatening him!

Xia Dabai mumbled to himself in dissatisfaction. His little mind turned into a state of chaos as he contemplated for a long time, but he still could not come to a conclusion. He wanted to learn how to assemble guns, yet he also wanted to help Big baby find her prince charming as soon as possible!

Bai Yeqing glanced at him and slowly took a sip of his coffee. With a faint tone, he said, "Give it some thought. You only have one chance. You still have about one minute to think about it!"


After a minute, Xia Xingchen did come down.

"Big baby, quickly eat." Xia Dabai diligently placed the food on her plate.

"Thank you, dear." She kissed her son's cheeks.

"Big baby, after the blind date, do you still keep in contact with that uncle?"

"Hmm, yup."

"Then… do you like that uncle?"

After Xia Dabai asked that question, Xia Xingchen froze for a moment and instinctively looked at Bai Yeqing who was eating his breakfast. He did not look at her and only focused on his meal. It was as though he was not interested in her answer to Xia Dabai's question.

She retracted her gaze and answered her son honestly. "I quite like him. He helped me a lot and I am going to thank him after a few days. Do you want to come with me?"

Bai Yeqing's expression turned sour.

Xia Dabai was so happy that he nodded his head. "Yes, yes. I can help you test him…"

Bai Yeqing's gloomy gaze looked to the side as he turned around and ordered, "Butler, go out and tell Leng Fei that Little master is too young and thus, is not suitable to learn to assemble guns…"

"No, no, no! Big baby, I think I shall not go with you anymore!" Xia Dabai straightened his back and raised his voice to cut off that certain someone's words.

"Huh?" As to the sudden change in his attitude, Xia Xingchen felt very confused and weird. Wasn't he very excited just now?

"Hmm, I am not going anymore. I am very busy and I have a lot of things to learn."

"Alright then. Suit yourself."

"About that… Big baby." Because of that certain someone's temptation, Xia Dabai finally gave up and looked towards Xia Xingchen with pitiful eyes. "Big baby, can you stop going to blind dates anymore in the future?"

Xia Xingchen froze again.

What was wrong with this kid?

"Didn't you encourage me to go for the blind date before?"

"Past is past, now is now." Xia Dabai held her arm and acted cute while giving her a pitiful look. "If you get married in the future, you will form a family with another person. After that, you would give birth to another baby. If that happens, what's going to happen to me if you don't want me anymore?"

Xia Xingchen's heart softened and she felt very sorry for him.

Bai Yeqing's eyebrows were also furrowed.

"Even if Mommy marries someone in the future and gives birth to another baby, you will still be Mommy's favorite Dabai. How can I not want you?" Xia Xingchen smiled and purposely messed her son's hair.

Xia Dabai looked up at her, then looked at the ugly dad. "You don't want dad anymore, is that it?"