Confused By Him

When the door was opened, his expression was especially heavy.

"Why did you take so long?" he asked in a deep voice. When he looked at Xia Xingchen, his eyes were cold, too.

"Weiyang was changing her clothes." Xia Xingchen gestured at the woman behind her.

Chi Weiyang quickly peeked her head out and greeted the President. "Mr. President, hello. I'm Xingchen's best friend and Dabai's god mom."

"Hello." Bai Yeqing nodded his head at her. Compared to the attitude he gave Xia Xingchen, his expression softened a lot. He was respectful and gentlemanly.

Xia Xingchen's heart was uneasy. Why did he give her that look? He was clearly in the wrong the previous time too!

When she thought about the past event, even if it happened long ago, her heart would still be in unease.

Xia Xingchen asked, "You came over so late, is there any matter?"

He had personally come without Leng Fei as well. If someone were to see him, the consequences would be dire. What if he met an attack…

"Don't chat outside, come inside." Chi Weiyang interrupted. And to Xia Xingchen, she murmured, "Xingchen, don't behave improperly. Quickly invite Mr. President in."

"There is no need." Just when Xia Xingchen was still hesitating, Bai Yeqing spoke.

His brows furrowed together and he glanced at Xia Xingchen with cold eyes. He had a disapproving attitude. "How are you a mom?"

"What?" Xia Xingchen was clueless.

"Do you know that he is sick?"

"Dabai?" Xia Xingchen understood. "How could it be? I call him every day and he never said he was sick."

Bai Yeqing said no more and kept a 'believe it or not' attitude. He merely nodded his head at Chi Weiyang. "Miss Chi, excuse me. If there is an opportunity, let's meet again."

"Ah? You're leaving?" Chi Weiyang had a look of pity.

The President left with heavy footsteps and had no sense of hesitation.

Xia Xingchen came back to her senses. "Wait a minute! Mr. President, I will head back with you!"

Xia Dabai was sick and her heart had already flown over to his side.

Bai Yeqing's long legs had already reached the lift as though he had not heard her words. The lift doors closed and he looked at her with no expressions on his face and definitely no plans of waiting for her.

As she stared at the closing doors and the lift descending, Xia Xingchen was furious.

"What kind of person is he! Can't he just wait for a while!? How irritating!"

"Okay, don't get angry. Are you going back looking like this?" Chi Weiyang looked at the sleepwear that she was wearing. "Quickly change your clothes. If you can't catch up, just take a cab home."

Xia Xingchen thought so, too.

She quickly rushed to the room and changed her clothes in record time while Chi Weiyang held the phone.

"I'm going to leave. Before you sleep, lock the door properly." She hugged Chi Weiyang.

"Hmm. Remember to give me a call. Also, tell me about my godson's situation."

"I know." Xia Xingchen's heart was anxious too. "I will head back and take a look at him first. When we talked on the phone earlier on, his voice still seemed energetic. It shouldn't be too serious."

"Sure, don't be too worried too. It may just be a small cold."

Xia Xingchen nodded her head and after bidding her goodbye, she took the lift and went down. Bai Yeqing, that rascal, was so despicable. He did not say anything and only threw her those words just to make her so worried.


He could not have come so far in the evening just to say that to her, right?

The more she thought about it, the more unhappy she was. She mumbled to herself and walked out of the unit building. She walked out of the neighborhood and was prepared to call a cab when…

A honk sounded and a black Ferrari rushed over like a bullet. She was scared out of her wits and quickly took a step back. However, that car steadily stopped next to her.

The car window slowly rolled down.

Under the dim light, she clearly saw the person in the driver's seat. Other than Bai Yeqing, who else could that icy cold face belong to? But…

Didn't he leave long ago?

"Get in," he said in a soft tone of voice.

Xia Xingchen wanted to be pretentious and stood there for two seconds.

But who knew Bai Yeqing got impatient and stepped on the accelerator. Xia Xingchen cursed at him and dashed to the hood of the car and held her arms out. "I'll get in! Don't go!"

Bai Yeqing got a fright and harshly stepped on the brakes. The green vein on his forehead popped out.

Damn it!

Was this woman seeking death? If he had accidentally stepped on the accelerator, she would be smashed into smithereens!

Xia Xingchen was anxious and had no sense of danger at all!

She pulled the car door open and sat in.

In the end, she didn't expect that she would hear his cold, grumpy roar the moment she sat on the passenger seat. "Xia Xingchen, are you seeking death?"

The simple words were said through gritted teeth.

Xia Xingchen froze from his uproar. He had already confused her earlier on, but with his shout now, the fury she suppressed in her heart exploded.

"I am seeking death by sitting in your car! What is the big deal? Fine! I won't sit in it! Who cares about sitting in your car!" She harshly spat those words out and opened the door as she prepared to get out of the car.

Bai Yeqing reached out and tugged her back. She was really furious that she harshly flung his hand back. "Don't touch me!"

"Try and get down the car!"

Xia Xingchen turned back and glared at him before pushing the door open and alighted.

This woman was really dumb!

Bai Yeqing thought that he should not have cared for this woman; however, upon seeing that she had flagged a taxi in her fury, he still stepped on the accelerator and followed.

A taxi stopped and just when Xia Xingchen had pulled the door open, a large palm reached from her side and slammed the door shut with a loud 'bam.'

Xia Xingchen gathered her strength and pulled the door open again. But Bai Yeqing was stronger, so how could she fight against him? Even after she had pulled the handle a few times, he had still pressed the door firmly shut that it never budged.

The taxi driver got a little bit impatient as he witnessed their squabble and how they tugged here and there. He rolled down the car window and peeked his head out. "Hey, are you still leaving!"

"Let's go."

"Not going!"

The two of them spoke at the same time. However, the taxi driver kept staring at Bai Yeqing's face. "Eh? Why do you look so familiar? Are you a big star?"

Luckily, it was already late in the evening and in the darkness of the night, he could only see a vague outline of his body. Who knew what would happen if the driver had recognized him?

Using his cold voice, Bai Yeqing said, "Drive the car away."

His aura was oppressive. The taxi driver did not stay any longer and drove away. And while doing so, he couldn't help himself but glance at the rear-view mirror from time to time.

The more he looked, the more this person seemed familiar.

At that moment, Xia Xingchen had already walked towards the roadside.

Bai Yeqing's face was black. "Xia Xingchen, stop there!"

Who would listen to him!?

When she was stubborn, she was as stubborn as a rock. Bai Yeqing tugged her hand but she stubbornly shook her hand away. "Go away, don't touch me!"

Bai Yeqing coldly harrumphed and gave a harsh glare at her stubborn look. "When I can touch or not, I have already touched it. Isn't it too late to say all these?"