He Was Out of Reach

His words somehow protected Xia Xingchen and it was filled with genuine trust in her abilities. Xia Xingkong was displeased but the smile on her face remained as she pretended to casually ask, "Big brother Xu Yan, it can't be that both of you still contact each other secretly?"

"…No." When Xu Yan said that word, his gaze unknowingly darkened.

Xia Xingkong gritted her teeth and felt indignant in the next instant. Could it be that Xu Yan had no feelings for her?

No! She cannot allow such a thing to happen!

Bai Yeqing hung up the phone and made Leng Fei call Fu Yichen.

"How is the research for the medicine going on in the Science Centre?"

Fu Yichen said, "It's still undergoing research. An hour ago, we had a breakthrough and significant progress. I was planning to prepare the materials and go to your office to relay to you the current situation."

"How long more do you need for the research?"

"We need at least one month."

Bai Yeqing muttered, "Hurry up, the patients can't wait that long."

"Okay, we will try our best to hurry."

"Xia Guopeng, he is the most recent patient, right?" Bai Yeqing asked.

"Yes. Because I was too busy, I did not have the time to meet him."

"Arrange a meet-up for me. I want to personally meet all the patients who caught the virus." One of his schedules included visiting the patient, giving them encouragement, and letting them rest properly. However, it seemed like he had to put it on his urgent list and bring it forward.

Fu Yichen was worried. "Are you going to visit now? The virus is still very volatile and I'm afraid the danger it poses is too high…"

"All of your medical staff are at the frontline. As your leader, I cannot act like a coward. Quickly arrange it!"

Fu Yichen knew his personality. He was a man who stood by his words. With this, he did not persuade any further and could only agree before hanging up the call.

Xia Xingchen received Leng Fei's call to proceed to Bei Si Yuan Hospital.

Then, she called Li Lingyi. After she took an urgent leave, she rushed to Bei Si Yuan Hospital. Li Lingyi was already there upon her arrival. Those who came with her included Old Madam, Xia Xingkong, and Xu Yan.

"Xingchen, do you really have an idea?"

She had just alighted the car when Old Madam's trembling body walked towards her.

"It should be fine." Xia Xingchen nodded her head while Xia Xingkong had a look of suspicion. "How could you have an idea? It can't be you made us come here for nothing?"

"We are already here and there is no better way. So let us all just trust Xingchen," Xu Yan said in his attempt to help Xingchen.

Xia Xingchen instinctively looked at him but she never expected that he was also looking at her, too.

His gaze was filled with complicated emotions and it made her recall the words he told her at Gomez Golf Court. Even now, she still felt a little awkward with him around.

Hence, they only locked eyes for a second before she pretended there was nothing between them and averted her gaze away.

At this moment…

The Director of Bei Si Yuan Hospital and other medical staff rushed out and stood in a row at the entrance.

"The President is coming soon!" The director shouted.

"Everyone, tidy yourself up and lift up your spirits. This time, the President is very concerned about the disease and we have to give our most energetic look to welcome the President's arrival and check-up."

"Yes!" Everyone loudly replied in unison.

Xia Xingchen never thought Bai Yeqing would personally come and was quite surprised. The moment Li Lingyi heard that the President was coming, she could not help but peek her head out in curiosity. "Xingkong, they are talking about the President, right? I have only seen him on the television before. Now, I'm able to see him in person?"

"Hmm. They are talking about the President."

"I never thought I would come at the right time today such that I could even see the President!" Li Lingyi was emotional as though she was a normal person seeing a celebrity. As her words left her mouth, several bodyguards arrived first and stood at the two sides of the walkway as a safety barrier, blocking the spectators from far away.


The row of cars slowly drove over.

There were six cars.

Xia Xingchen saw Leng Fei first before she saw the President amid the crowd.

Today's weather was unexpectedly good and under the sun, he still looked as alluring as ever. He was like a bright moon surrounded by stars with his disposition right now.

"Mr. President, good afternoon!"

"It is dangerous inside, please mind your safety!"

"You seem to have grown thinner, please mind your health!"

"Have you eaten your lunch?"

The kind and the enthusiastic crowd could not hide the excitement in their hearts as they crowded around the President. A group of people had pushed Xia Xingchen around, and she almost fell down a few times.

She raised her head and looked at him. Both were actually very close to each other with only a distance of ten meters.

Yet… they were so far away from each other…

They were separated by a large crowd. He stood at the highest point and it made her look very small.

She looked up at him and felt that this man was out of her reach…

It was too crowded and she almost fell again.

"Be careful!" Xu Yan reached out and supported her waist before giving her a worried glance. "Are you hurt?"

His palm was very hot.

With him supporting her by her waist, Xia Xingchen forcefully stood up and met his concerned gaze. She felt a little embarrassed.

She gently shook her head. "I'm fine."

Xia Xingchen stood properly and could feel that her back was going to freeze from a person's stare. She turned her head back and Xia Xingkong's hateful gaze seemed to be drilling a hole through her.

When she recalled Xu Yan's words at the golf court, she instinctively took a step back and pushed Xu Yan's hand away.

"Xingkong, come and see! Mr. President seems to be looking over to our side!" Li Lingyi's excited voice drifted over. She tugged her daughter's hand.

Everyone's gaze turned towards the President. Xia Xingchen met his gaze. It was complicated and deep.

He muttered a few words to Leng Fei who was beside him and retracted his gaze. He did not stop and instead, continued to walk forward with heavy footsteps.

Xia Xingkong's attention was all on Xu Yan. She walked forward and stopped Xu Yan before impolitely saying, "Now that the President has arrived, don't even mention the quarantine ward since we can't even enter the hospital! Big sister, if you can't help us then just say the truth. Don't waste our time. Grandma's body is not well. If something happens to her, can you be held responsible?"

Once Xia Xingkong finished her words, Li Lingyi seemed to feel that her daughter's words made sense. She said, "That's right. I was still pinning my hopes on you, but now that I think about it, I was being too dumb. I should have known that if Xu Yan had no way, then how could you help us?"


Li Lingyi had just finished speaking when the crowd was slowly parted by a few bodyguards dressed in black

After that, Fu Yichen appeared through the pathway and made his way toward Xia Xingchen under the public's watchful eyes.

"Miss Xia," he respectfully greeted her.

Everyone looked towards Xia Xingchen with an envious and curious gaze.

Not everyone knows who Fu Yichen was, but with how the President's guards made a pathway for him, he surely could not be just an ordinary person.

And this young girl?

When a person such as Fu Yichen stood in front of her with deemed respect, it would seem that she's unusual among the unusual.