The Most Hateful Girlfriend

The clear fingermark and swell on her face appeared in his sight. Even Leng Fei who stood at the side was shocked.

She clearly suffered a slap from someone.

"How did you get this?" he asked—his voice was laced with suffocating oppression.

Xia Xingchen moved her head away and did not say anything.

His hand exerted a little strength and gripped her chin before tilting her face to the side. With that, he could see the fingermark on her face even clearly.

She furrowed her brows in pain. He glared at her before looking towards Xu Yan and asked again, "Who did this?"

At that moment, as an outsider, Xu Yan could see Mr. President's thoughts.

He thought that he could be fearless for Xingchen but this man, this country's highest authority holder, never cowered or had a second of hesitation either.

"Mr. Xu, your excellency is asking you a question." Leng Fei hurried him as he saw Xu Yan keeping quiet.

Xu Yan said, "Actually, it's all just a misunderstanding. Xingkong's personality is not as steady as Xingchen and is a bit reckless."

"Xia Xingkong?" Bai Yeqing looked at Xia Xingchen. "His fiance?"

He purposely emphasized 'fiancee.'

Xia Xingchen nodded her head and muttered a 'hmm.'

He scoffed. "Serves you right! Insensible!"

"…" Leng Fei and Xu Yan were dumbfounded.

She thought that the President would defend her or at least decide for her? Yet…

Xia Xingchen was so angry that her eyes turned red with anger.

She became stubborn and pushed his hand away with an unknown strength.

"I'm just that insensible and hateful so I got a beating. That's none of your business too…" Xia Xingchen angrily turned sideways to avoid him, she then walked outside.

Bai Yeqing had a cold look on his face, but he still followed her.

In the next second…

Her body was hoisted up in the air. After that, the man had domineeringly carried her up.

"Let go of me!"

"Shut up!"

"I deserve it! Even if I'm hit or sick, I deserved it! Don't bother me!" She felt wronged and her nose turned sour; but since her body felt terrible, her heart was weak as well.

He had no intention to comfort her but he still said, "You are now suspected to be infected with the Wis coronavirus. If you move around and infect others, I will cuff you up!"

Did that mean…

This rascal ran all the way here to find her because he was scared that the virus would spread?

Xia Xingchen had no strength to argue with him, but in the end, she was pushed into the car by none other than the president.

Xu Yan followed them down. After Bai Yeqing settled her down in the car, he alighted and faced Xu Yan.

"I will give you one day to make Xia Xingkong apologize to her. If not, bear the consequences."

Those short and simple words were spoken in such a deep voice that even those outside could hear clearly.

Afterward, he did not pause for another second and got in the car.

Leng Fei immediately went to stop him. "Your excellency, how about you sit in another car…"

He had already tried his best to prevent it.

"Don't be meddlesome!"

After Bai Yeqing scolded him, he opened the car door again and got in.

He sat at the right while Xia Xingchen sat on the left side.

Throughout the journey, the two of them sat facing each other. He continued to have a sour expression while she was still angry with his words of 'Serves you right.' She then turned her face towards the window.

Bai Yeqing did not seem to want to talk to her either and only lowered his head to settle his emails.

"Does receiving a slap make you that aggrieved?" When she thought he would not speak, he opened his mouth.

Xia Xingchen said, "I dare not to feel aggrieved. If you say it serves me right, then I deserve it."

Her tone was peculiar and hateful.

Bai Yeqing was not angry and merely lifted up his eyelids to glance at her. "Do you know what kind of ex-girlfriend is the most hateful?"

"…" She could not be bothered with him.

"It's someone like you." His gaze became sharp and cold. "You have already broken up with him for so many years already. So, why do both of you still pester each other?"

This rascal was still teaching her a lesson! Moreover, with such confidence!

Xia Xingchen felt frustrated and impolitely said, "If it weren't for you, would we break up?"

"You feel regretful so you want to salvage the relationship?" His voice turned colder again.

"Of course I'm regretful." Xia Xingchen had a stubborn look and stared at him. "Didn't you say that you have a way to make him marry me? Now that I'm regretful and want him to marry me, why don't you help me think of a way?"

Bai Yeqing's gaze was as sharp as a sword and coldly shot his gaze at her. "I think this slap is so mild that it did not slap you awake."

He must have been very pleased when he knew she suffered that slap!

The fury that she suppressed in her heart became fiercer. "Let me off at the front. I won't return to President's Manor with you!"

Even if she was not dead by the illness, she would be pissed off to death!

"…" Bai Yeqing ignored her and folded his long legs before gloomily glancing at her.

That look was filled with disdain and impatience.

Xia Xingchen felt very aggrieved at that moment.

At which point in her life did she think of being together with Xu Yan? If she was well and was not dizzy from the medicine, wouldn't she have left long ago? Would she still have suffered a slap from Xia Xingkong?

It was fine if she received that slap but now she also had to suffer his strange vengeance?

After all, she did not offend him!

She would be fine if her mind didn't dwell more about it, but the more she did, the more unhappy she felt. With that, she reached out and pulled the car door.

Bai Yeqing frowned. "What are you doing?"

"Tell Leng Fei to stop the car!"

"There really isn't anyone who dared to order me around!" He spoke in such a boisterous tone coupled with a fierce look on his face.

Xia Xingchen pushed the door open.

Her body moved towards the door and she prepared herself to jump down.

The blood vessel on Bai Yeqing's forehead throbbed. No sooner said than done, when the cool wind blew from outside, he pulled her back.

"Xia Xingchen, you are seeking death!" He could no longer tolerate her actions and shouted in anger.

His free hand harshly swatted the documents in his other hand. 'Swoosh—' the documents made a rumble, hit the car interior, and made a shocking noise.

The sharp pieces of paper flew past her ear and gave her a paper cut, and soon, blood trickled down from her ear lobe.

His expression was cold and sharp while his gaze seemed as though he wanted to swallow her up.

She shivered in fear and her eyelashes fluttered as she stared at him. She did not know if she was just frightened by his look or was aggrieved, but her red lips pouted and tears started streaming down her face.

"What are you crying for?" He was still impolite towards her. Today, this woman had really angered him! Again and again!

"…" Xia Xingchen said nothing more and only pushed his hands away in anger.

She lowered her head and saw her initially snowy white wrist turning red.

He really was harsh.

These two people were speechless once again.

She was actually not that dumb and was not that daring either. She just wanted to scare him. Why would she dare to jump off the car? It was already dark outside and there were so many cars, she wouldn't jump out unless she really wanted to die.

Moreover, although she said she would not return to President's Manor with him, she was clear in her heart that she was just being spiteful.


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