You Said Anxin Had a Miscarriage?

Su Ze didn't seem to be hearing what the doctor was saying.

All that reverberated in his ears was the word "miscarriage."

How did Qiao Anxin have a miscarriage?

She wasn't even pregnant, was she?

Didn't Zhao Kai say that the pregnancy report was fake?

That she wasn't even pregnant?

But if she wasn't, how could she have had a miscarriage?

He'd thought she was faking it, so he didn't quite bother about it.

He even felt disgusted at that point.

He thought she'd lied to him once again.

If he'd rushed her to the hospital right away… if they'd gotten there just a little bit sooner… would they have managed to keep their child?

At this moment, the guilt was overwhelming.

It was he who pushed Qiao Anxin to the ground.

He looked up at the doctor, his face a shade paler than before. His voice quivered as he asked, "Doctor, are you sure she had a miscarriage?"