He Didn't Want to Face It

If they did, they'd have revealed it already.

So, he actually only had one issue to settle at this point. Everything else didn't matter.

Xie Linda's dismissal happened to clash with this news.

It was fitting to have her bear the responsibility for all that happened.

He caused Qiao Anxin's miscarriage. The child was never going to return.

The only thing he could do now was to make it up to her.

"Yes, Chairman Su. I'll head back to the office and settle this immediately. Miss Qiao has a commercial to shoot two days from now. We'll let them know that Miss Qiao is currently unwell and in need of rest, so she won't be able to turn up?"

"Mm." Su Ze nodded. "That will do."

"So, she will be resting for…"

Su Ze thought about the duration he should set. Qiao Anxin's miscarriage was a major issue, her body was definitely weakened in the process.

She needed to recuperate well.