I Like You

Shen Rou's expression changed.

Although Gong Zeli's words were spoken intermittently, she fully understood what he meant.

She knew that he liked her for a long time.

But she acted like she didn't know.

And because of this, he had never confessed to her.

Whenever he tried to give her hints, she always feigned ignorance.

The Gong and Shen families were well-matched in terms of social status.

Gong Zeli's qualifications were considered top-notch in the upper social class.

His only flaw was that he was unable to control his temper.

He had gotten better after receiving treatment for many years.

As long as he controlled his feelings, his temper could be well maintained.

So, Gong Zeli was a very good catch considering all his qualifications.

Most importantly, he really loved her.

Even after so many years.

If she married him, she would definitely lead a blissful life.

She knew that very well.