I Want to See All the Negative News Disappear

Wei Zheng used Weibo more often and had a better understanding of the users.

Tu Yilei's fans were mostly younger.

These fans were impulsive and often said things without thinking.

Talking about beating someone and whatnot, it was most likely just a joke.

Wei Zheng felt that there was no need to take it seriously.

But Mo Yesi took it for real. "Immediately find out who these people are. I want to know everything about them."

"Yes, Chairman Mo. What about after we find the information?" Wei Zheng silently mourned for that group of people. Once Chairman Mo decided to take action, they… would be in trouble.

Hence, most of the time, it was true that it felt good for a while, but it was also possible to pay a terrible price for it.

They couldn't just get high.

For example, someone like Young Madam, who had such a powerful husband, wouldn't even know how to spell death.