She Would Do Something For Him

He said he didn't care.

But Qiao Mianmian wasn't a fool, how could she not understand?

On the contrary, he actually cared a lot.

That kiss filled with anger and frustration was a reflection of his current feelings.

He wasn't joking when he said that she shouldn't stay in the entertainment industry anymore.

Perhaps he had been enduring it for a long time.

Ever since the first time she had a scandal with Tu Yilei, he had been enduring it.

Qiao Mianmian knew how petty and jealous Mo Yesi was when it came to relationships.

It was precisely because she was clear that she knew that whether it was her scandal with Tu Yilei or her scandal with Gong Zeli, he would definitely mind it very, very much. He would also feel very uncomfortable because of those rumors.

Even if they were fake.

He acted like he didn't care, but it wasn't like he really didn't care.

It was only because he cared about her.