When Did She Say That?

Sweetpea Pancake: "Pure passerby. It shows that she has no resistance to men who work seriously. After the appraisal, although we can't see his face from this angle, he's definitely handsome. And his figure is also very good. I think I see chest muscles."

Heizi naturally had to criticize everything he saw: "What's so handsome about him? He doesn't even dare to show his face and only knows how to be secretive. Even if he isn't 1.65m, even if he isn't an old man, he definitely isn't good-looking. Have you guys never seen a man before, being smitten with a man whose face can't be seen?"

In the past, Qiao Mianmian's comment section was full of negative comments.

He was very successful.

But this time, the haters neglected something.

Women were usually harsh to women, but this didn't mean that they were equally harsh to men.

On the contrary, women had always been very tolerant of men.