I Came to Pick You Up, Aren't You Happy?

Qiao Anxin still stood there.

She looked at Qiao Mianmian and felt even more humiliated.

Thankfully, Boss Huang had been thinking about her for a few years and had just gotten his hands on her.

Hence, even if Qiao Anxin didn't take the initiative to greet him, he didn't seem to mind.

He walked towards Qiao Anxin and pulled her into his arms.

"My little sweetheart, why do you look so unhappy? I came especially to pick you up, aren't you happy?"

Qi Anxin stiffened.

She instinctively wanted to push him away.

But Boss Huang grabbed her waist and kissed her on the forehead.


Qi Anxin blushed and resisted.

Sensing her struggle, Boss Huang frowned and was a little unhappy.

He had always been thinking about Qiao Anxin.

But that was because he never got it, so he kept thinking about it for so long.

Now that she was already his, she naturally wouldn't be as rare as before.