I'm Sorry, I Didn't Do It on Purpose

Song Fang looked awful.

The other artistes were shocked at first, but then felt that this was normal.

Qiao Anxin heard him clearly this time.

She widened her eyes in shock. "What right do you have to revoke my audition qualifications?"

"The leader said so."

"What leader? Which leader? I don't believe it." Qiao Anxin took so much effort to get this audition slot, how could she give it up so easily? She said with a black face, "You must have decided on your own accord to take revenge on me. I don't believe it. Call your leader out, I want to ask him face to face."

The staff member lost his patience and his expression turned cold. "Who are you? Director Cheng isn't someone you can see whenever you want. Security, take her away immediately. Leave no irrelevant personnel here!"

Two security officers immediately went forward and said in an unpleasant tone, "Miss, are you leaving by yourself, or do we 'invite' you out?"
