Can You Stay?

Shen Xin looked at him in surprise.

"There's not much time left until the college entrance examination. Transferring schools at this time will affect your academic results. If it's because of the rumors in school, I can help you clarify them.

"I won't let anyone talk about you anymore."

So, can you stay?

I still want to be classmates with you.

I'm sorry, I was too slow to realize I've fallen for you.

But if I tell you everything now and make you stay, will you give me another chance?

I'll never hurt you again.

Shen Xin was stunned.

"Shen Xin, can you not transfer schools?" Qiao Chen's face was slightly hot. He looked at her and said again, "I hope you can stay. We've been classmates for a few years. If you suddenly leave, I'll feel… uncomfortable.

"If there's a problem, we can solve it together.

"As long as you stay, we can sort everything out."