No Matchmaking, No Love

"Mm." Mo Yesi raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Didn't I tell you before that I wanted to rest for two months? But plans can't keep up with the changes. Sister Xie called me yesterday and said that she accepted a spot on a variety show on my behalf." Qiao Mianmian looked up and secretly observed his expression.

When she mentioned that Linda accepted a spot on a variety show, Mo Yesi's expression changed.

Qiao Mianmian pursed her lips and kept quiet for a few seconds. She then said carefully, "That variety show has very good ratings and made a lot of artistes popular. Sister Xie said that our company only managed to get one spot. She fought hard for me, and she hopes that I can go.

"The filming location isn't far from Yuncheng City, it's right in S City. Moreover, this variety show only needs a month of filming."

Mo Yesi's expression didn't change much.

Qiao Mianmian blinked and shook his arm. "Hubby…"