Did You Already Guess It Was Her?

"They're becoming crazier and crazier. Do they think they can't find anything to defame our Mianmian? Are they starting to make up things without caring about anything else?"

"Sister Mianmian, you must get along well with your boyfriend. I went to the airport to see you today. You were especially beautiful and nice to your fans. I want to be your fan for the rest of my life."

In the past, if there were rumors about female celebrities, many of them would say the same thing as Qiao Mianmian.

That they would file a lawsuit or something.

But not many news blogs would take it seriously.

But not long after Qiao Mianmian posted on Weibo, the netizens realized that many news agencies had deleted her post.

Some news agencies not only deleted the news but also sent her a formal apology letter.

The netizens became excited.