
"Ah Si, hold on, I have something to tell you," Shen Rou called out.

Mo Yesi heard her, but he didn't stop. He continued walking with Qiao Mianmian arm-in-arm.

"Ah Si!" Shen Rou's expression darkened when she saw that he was ignoring her. She chased after him in her high heels.

Soon, she caught up.

"Ah Si, are you so unhappy with me that you won't even talk to me?"

Mo Yesi ignored her, so Shen Rou had no choice but to stop him.

Mo Yesi finally stopped in his tracks and looked at her coldly. "I have nothing to say to you. Move."

This wasn't the first time he treated her so coldly.

Ever since they fell out, Mo Yesi had been as cold and distant to her as a stranger.

Shen Rou thought that she was used to it.

She wouldn't feel heartbroken anymore.

But looking at his cold and distant expression and how he treated her even more coldly than a stranger, her heart felt like it was stabbed by a sharp knife.