Is This Little Xiao's Final Struggle?

"Perhaps… you won't be able to see me anymore. I actually can't bear to, but I have no choice. Entering the entertainment industry, acting the scenes I like, and filming with the people I like, was my first dream to enter this industry. But now… I have to say goodbye to all of this.

"At this point, my tears started flowing. I really can't bear to leave my fans. I'm really sorry. I'll definitely disappoint you. Without me, the babies have to take good care of themselves. Only then can I leave in peace."

Qiao Mianmian spent two minutes reading the apology statement.

Little Xiao's apology letter had a lot of information.

Especially the last few paragraphs. Anyone could tell that her decision to leave the industry wasn't voluntary.

She said she couldn't bear to, that she had no choice but to leave the industry.

She meant that she was being forced.

As for who forced her, it was obvious.

Qiao Mianmian sneered.