Everyone Is a Grandson

Qiao Mianmian had more fans than Song Fei.

But her fans were all gentle sheep.

How could they compare to Song Fei's crazy fans?

Moreover, Song Fei's fans had no bottom line.

They posted many photos of Qiao Mianmian's fans on their Weibo page and attacked them.

For example—

"Is this how Qiao Mianmian's fans usually look? A bunch of ugly and fat female losers. They're not even fit to carry our Feibao's shoes, and they still dare to say that Feibao had plastic surgery. With your looks, you'll definitely be the type to get plastic surgery."

"@AlwaysSupportMianbao. Ugly woman, fatty, just like your Mianbao. She's a plastic surgery freak. Her plastic surgery hasn't even been done yet, and she's still so ugly that I feel like vomiting. The master raises the servant. Qiao Mianmian is ugly, but the fans are also a bunch of ugly monsters. Hahahaha."