Politics and Business Do Not Mix

With a call from Ms. Lewis, Serenity and Sam were ordered to her office, and she asked about the progress of the interview with Mayor Hall.

The two of them looked at each other before Sam said in a crestfallen tone, "Mayor Hall is very stubborn and refuses to accept our interview. You better switch to someone else."

Ms. Lewis looked at both of them and said, "Sam, you are the backbone of the editorial department, and you have a serious attitude during work so I always have faith in you. Serenity, you are good at interpersonal relationships, so both of you are the best people suited to interview Mayor Hall."

When they left the chief editor's office, Sam scratched his head in despondence and asked Serenity, "What kind of interpersonal relationships do you have?"

In the whole magazine society, only Ms. Lewis knew that she was the daughter of the Rivers Group.