An Unexpected Encounter with Linda Sawyer

Since she did not have to work on weekends, Serenity woke up later than usual. After she had eaten her breakfast, she took her bag and went out as she planned to buy some daily products at the supermarket.

Geoffrey sent her to the supermarket and was soon chased away by her.

She walked toward the daily products section with her shopping basket and took two bags of the usual brand of toilet paper she used as well as other products.

Just as she was about to pay for the products, she heard a voice that was filled with surprise say, "Ms. Rivers?"

She turned around to take a look and realized that it was Linda Sawyer who'd called her name. Linda was wearing a red knee-length dress today while her makeup looked very exquisite and charming, making her seem very noble and beautiful.

Serenity wore a smile on her face while she greeted her, "Ms. Linda, what a coincidence."