This Girl's Tea Is Not Bad

However, no matter how good her tea skills were, Master Samson still did not like her. That was why she never brewed tea again.

It had been three years so she wondered if her skills had deteriorated. All she hoped right now was that she would not embarrass herself today.

When Master Hoffman heard that she was going to burn incense and clean her hands, he couldn't help but look at her a few more times. Although she was very young, she knew how to make tea.

He turned to the girl in the dress standing next to him. She understood his gesture and left the room. After a few minutes, two women in the same red dress came in with incense and water in their hands.

After Serenity cleaned her hands and burned the incense, she took the boiling water and heated the teapot. She then took a suitable amount of tea leaves and placed them into the teapot. The tea leaves were of the highest quality, Tie Guanyin.