President Jones Treated Her Special

Serenity held her breath with lingering fear. Her face, which had clearly eased up just now, turned pale again at this moment.

Gabriel went into the pharmacy, followed by Caleb. After a few minutes, he returned to the car with a bag in his hand. It was filled with disinfectant and medical cotton swabs.

Xeno's eyes widened in shock. Did Gabriel have to make them stop so abruptly and dangerously just to buy these medical supplies for Serenity?

Gabriel took the disinfectant from Caleb and told Serenity to turn around.

Serenity was looking out the window when he spoke. She turned to face him and watched him open the disinfectant bottle, dip a cotton swab into it, then apply it to her wound.

Caleb was the calmest person in the car while Xeno's eyes had grown so wide they looked like his eyeballs were about to fall out.

Just as the cotton swab touched Serenity's forehead, her body stiffened and she stared blankly at the man in front of her.