Sweethearts (3)

Strangely enough, whenever Shen Mochen was around, Peach would never cry. She would only ever giggle or remain quiet.

The moment Shen Mochen and his mother left, Peach would wail as if the sky was falling down. She would only stop when she was tired and subsequently fell asleep.

Feeling helpless, Peach's mother had to go next door to seek help from Shen Mochen every day.

On the other hand, He Yue was ecstatic. She dragged Shen Mochen to the door and persuaded him, "Head on over, Chenchen. Follow your mother-in-law to see your wife."

Confused, Shen Mochen looked at He Yue and asked, "What's a mother-in-law?"

He Yue replied to him with a grin, "It's Peach's mother."

"Oh I see." Shen Mochen nodded his head. Obediently holding Peach's mother's hand, he would follow her to her house. Although the baby was ugly, it did not affect him. Besides, there was plenty to eat and play with at Peach's house.

After a couple of visits, the other neighbors found out about their arrangement. Every time they saw Peach's mother holding Shen Mochen's hand, they would tease her, "Peach's mother, I see that you're fetching your son-in-law again."

Peach's mother would simply grin and grab Shen Mochen's hand tightly. To her, it did not matter whether he was her son-in-law in the future or not, as long as he could control Peach, the tiny devil she didn't care.

Indeed, Peach was a devil.

With the passing of time, Peach slowly began to learn to sit up and crawl.

As long she got her hands on something, the object of her affection would either be bitten till it was unrecognisable, or completely segmented and destroyed.

When Peach's mother arrived home with Shen Mochen, Peach was biting on her father's stainless steel teacup with her two front teeth.

Seeing Shen Mochen enter the house, Peach immediately crawled towards him, mumbling "Band… band…"

This was the other tragedy in Peach's family.

Usually, a child's first would would be "Mum", "Dad" or even "Grandma".

Unlike other children, Peach's first word was, "Band."

Initially, Peach's father had thought that Peach was just making random sounds and warming up her throat. However, after a while, he noticed that she would only mutter "Band… band…" whenever she saw Shen Mochen.

It was then that he realised what she was trying to say…

Peach's father's eyes welled up with tears of sorrow. He was reminded of the ancient Chinese adage, "When a girl is of age, she has to be married off." Peach was not even of age yet, but her thoughts already revolved around her husband.

When these things happened, Shen Mochen was less than three years old. Evidently, he did not understand what 'band band' meant. Otherwise, with his character, he would likely have strangled Peach on the spot.

Sighing helplessly, Peach's mother watched on as Peach sat down obediently beside Shen Mochen and stared at him with a curious expression on her face. Watching this scene, Peach's mother felt her heart trembling.

Only when Shen Mochen was around, would Peach behave like a demure little girl, sitting obediently next to Shen Mochen with a gentle smile on her face. He Yue would praise her repeatedly, and comment that it was easier to raise a girl as they were more obedient and lovable.

It was not true! Her appearance in front of Shen Mochen was far from reality!

"Don't be deceived by your daughter-in-law's pretense! Her true self is a little devil who goes around causing destruction!" Peach's mother growled to herself.

Wait… Daughter-in-law?

Peach's mother was startled by the revelation, she had unknowingly thought of the two children as betrothed.