Sweethearts (7)

Unbeknownst to the other girls in class, the conversation between Shen Mochen and Peach was often just Shen Mochen instructing her. "Eat the capiscums for me" or "Eat the carrots for me," was usually what he said. Had they heard, it was unlikely that it would have incited their fury.

Indeed, the girls in Shen Mochen's class were infuriated with Peach.

The saying, "No matter the age of a woman, it is in their nature to be jealous," was true after all.

While Shen Mochen was in the toilet, a group of girls surrounded Peach. All of them were nearly a head taller than Peach and had angry expressions on their faces. Glaring at Peach, they commanded, " Stay away from Shen Mochen! "

A look of confusion crossed Peach's face as she questioned them, "Why should I?"

"Why are you pestering him every day?" the girls demanded.

"He is my husband…" With an arrogant tilt of her head, Peach took a good look at the girls before her and ignored them. She then continued to paint on the paper with Shen Mochen's watercolor pencils.

"Do you even know what a husband is?" the young girls asked her a question that was overly mature for their age.

"Of course I understand, I just don't want to tell you." Ever since she was young, Peach displayed the imposing mannerisms of a first wife.

"Hmph! You're just pretending to know." Just then, one of the girls reached out and pushed Peach. Immediately, the others followed suit and began shoving her.

Poor Peach was completely surrounded. As Peach was especially petite compared to them, she could not even be seen from the outside. Helpless to resist, she could only move from side to side as they pushed her. She was about to lose her balance.

"What are you doing?" a voice asked.

Hearing the voice, the gathered girls turned their heads towards the voice. To their horror, they saw the normally reticent Shen Mochen, standing behind them and watching them coldly.

In a split second, they became submissive.

"Sniff… Sniff…" Peach looked at Shen Mochen pitifully with tears in her eyes. A look of wrath flashed across his face.

Peach's braids were now tousled and her clothes were wrinkled. Coupled with her delicate face and large doe eyes, Peach appeared utterly victimised.

Frowning, Shen Mochen walked up to her and held her hand before warning the little bullies in a fierce tone, "From now on, I will ignore anyone who dares to bully her."

It was an innocent and adorable threat between children. Upon hearing Shen Mochen's threat, the girls swiftly dispersed. They were worried that the longer they lingered, the more likely Shen Mochen was going to remember them and ignore them in the future.

However, they were unnecessarily anxious. Whether or not they bullied Peach, Shen Mochen would still take no notice of them.

Spinning around to face Peach, Shen Mochen took one look at her unkempt appearance and walked to her back. He then ordered her, "Sit down."

Peach sat down obediently on the chair.

Shen Mochen went closer to her and carefully removed the rubber bands in her hair. Today, Peach's mother had tied braids that made her look like a little Xinjiang girl. There was a rough estimate of eight rubber bands in her hair.

Peach sat quietly on the chair with a smile, enjoying Shen Mochen's gentleness. It was rare for him to approach her of his own accord.

The next day, Peach suddenly became the most popular child in class.

Children have very simple and innocent thoughts.

Since Shen Mochen threatened to ignore anyone who bullies Peach, the girls thought that the opposite would be the same. Wouldn't he pay heed to them if they were nice to Peach?