He's my Husband

Just like that, Peach cheerfully carried the Sailor Moon bag that her Mom and Dad had bought for her, and followed Shen Mochen to school.

Unlike kindergarten, there were many rules to observe in elementary school.

Peach followed Shen Mochen all the way to his second-grade classroom. When she was about to enter the classroom, Shen Mochen stopped in his tracks. Turning around to face her, he frowned, "Why did you follow me up here? This level is all the second-grade classrooms. The first-grade classrooms are downstairs."

"Huh? I want to be in the same class as you!" Peach insisted, staring at him with her innocent pleading eyes.

Ignoring her plea, Shen Mochen entered the classroom and sat down at his seat.

Carrying her backpack, Peach trailed after him.

When the other students in class saw Peach, their eyes widened with curiosity to see someone younger and shorter than them in their classroom. Tongues immediately started wagging in the once-quiet classroom.

"Who's the midget?"

"Why did she come to school with Shen Mochen?"

"Why is this girl in our class?"

Paying no attention to the discussion revolving around her, Peach strode over to the seat next to Shen Mochen's. Taking her backback off her back, she placed it on Shen Mochen's desk. She was planning to sit down next to him, when a crisp voice rang out, "Who are you? Why are you by my seat?"

Spinning her head around, Peach noticed a young boy standing behind her. A sharp chin and a pair of narrow eyes that twinkled like stars adorned his fair skin.

Staring at him, Peach retorted with her chin held high and a look of solemnity on her face, "I'm not sitting in your seat. I'm just sitting next to my husband."

"Your husband?" The young boy chuckled. Narrowing his eyes at Shen Mochen who was quietly reading in the seat, he reached out and tugged on Peach's braids and mocked her, "Why would you have a husband at such a young age? I bet you don't even know what a husband is."

"Of course I know!" Peach refuted.

Listening to the argument between Peach and the boy, Shen Mochen glanced up, only to see that Peach's fair face was slightly flushed from strongly stating her stand. Shen Mochen thought about it for a moment, and was worried that he was about to be embarrassed in the event that Peach once again demonstrated what a husband meant.

Without further hesitation, Shen Mochen calmly stood up and grabbed Peach's backpack before dragging her out of the classroom.

"Hey, hey, where are we going?" Peach asked curiously but did not resist and allowed Shen Mochen to drag her along.

"Go to your own classroom."

"I don't want to! I want to be in the same classroom as you!" Peach insisted as she hurriedly tried to break free of his grasp when she finally understood what he was trying to do.

Unfortunately, Shen Mochen was not only a boy, but two years older than her as well. Although he was not as strong as an adult, his strength was more than enough to deal with a girl younger than him.

Peach struggled but to no avail. In the end, Shen Mochen dragged her all the way to the first-grade classroom downstairs.

Coincidentally, they ran into the form teacher of Peach's class, Mr. Yang, at the bottom of the stairs.

Mr. Yang was a young male teacher who had just graduated from teacher training college and had been assigned to teach at this elementary school.

Witnessing a young boy dragging the arm of an unwilling young girl at the stairs, Mr. Yang immediately thought that Peach was being bullied by a senior. Hence, he stepped forward to protect Peach and demanded, "What are you doing?"