School Anniversary Performance

On New Year's Day, a cultural performance was held in the school. Students from the various extracurricular classes were required to perform.

Peach raised her round face towards Shen Mochen, excitedly tugging on his sleeve and asking loudly, "Husband, Husband, do you know what show my dance class is going to perform?"

Shen Mochen threw her a cursory glance before looking down and continuing with his homework. He then asked casually, "What are you performing?"

"Swan Lake!" Peach exclaimed with an eager expression and continued, "Pretty Sister will be borrowing some ballet skirts from the Children's Art Troupe for us. I can't wait!"

"Oh." Shen Mochen answered with a low voice. He wrote down the answer to a question before glancing at Peach again. He asked, "Someone amongst you is going to perform the Black Swan's 32 fouettes?"

"What's that?" Peach looked at him in bewilderment.

"Doesn't seem like it." Shen Mochen muttered and continued doing his homework.

Unwilling to give up, Peach walked over to Shen Mochen's other side and continued tugging on his sleeve, "Aren't you going to ask me what's my role?"

"White Swan?" he asked.


"The four little swans?"


"…Are you cross-dressing as the prince?"

"No, I'm not. Hu Yucheng is acting as the prince."

"Him?" Shen Mochen frowned. Since Peach enrolled in the dance class, Hu Yucheng had persevered in his attempts to follow Peach and signed up for the dance class as well. He even obtained Pretty Sister's acknowledgement and was often requested to play the male lead in performances. To be honest, Pretty Sister was not to blame. Other boys would usually sign up for football or basketball. The dance class was basically an army of girls. It was not easy to catch hold of a pretty boy. Once she had one, she would not let him go easily.

"Why don't you continue guessing?" Peach poked at his arm, urging him to continue guessing.

"Is there any other protagonist?" Shen Mochen gave her a blank look. She was definitely not going to play the Black Swan.

Eventually, Peach revealed the answer in a secretive tone, "I play a tree by the swan lake!"


Looked at him smugly, Peach boasted, "Aren't you surprised?"

"Is there even any skills involved?"


Fine, Peach's young heart was hurt.

Everybody wants to play the White Swan, but the girl who was chosen, Zhao Qing, was thin and tall with long legs. Although Peach and her were on par in terms of their dance skills… Zhao Qing would make a more beautiful swan due to her image.

The other roles were decided a while ago. Pretty Sister had looked at her with an expression full of regret. Peach was originally supposed to act as the White Swan. However, Zhao Qing's father had contacted the Principle who then discussed with Pretty Sister to replace Peach with Zhao Qing.

Peach was actually fine with playing any role. Back then, she did not even choose to enroll in the class out of her own will. In the past few years, it was only thanks to Shen Mochen that she was able to attain her current level. After his art class, he would go to the dance room to supervise her dance practice.

However, all young girls are vain. Who would not want to perform on the stage in a beautiful white tutu?

Thinking about the situation again, Peach was slightly crestfallen.

Silently observing Peach's expressions, Shen Mochen saw how her expression changed several times in the span of a few minutes. Her expression shuffled between excitement, helplessness, longing, and disappointment. Shen Mochen commented, "I think you are more suitable for performing Sichuan Face Changing."