School Anniversary Performance (6)

Unaware that Peach was acting as a tree, Professor Shen asked, "Eh? Where is Peach?" Widening his eyes, he tried hard to look for Peach amongst the group of swans. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not find Peach.

"Yeah, why don't I see Peach?" He Yue was also very puzzled. She remembered her son saying that Peach's dance class was going to perform "Swan Lake", but he did not tell them what Peach was acting as. Instead, he had asked them to keep their eyes peeled and look for her themselves.

Unable to find Peach on stage, Professor Shen and He Yue then directed their queries at Peach's parents.

However, Peach's parents looked equally puzzled as they did not spot Peach on stage as well.

"Is Peach not in this performance?" Peach's father scratched his head in confusion and voiced his doubt.

"It shouldn't be, Peach told Chenchen that her class was performing Swan Lake," Professor Shen told them in an affirmative tone. He was sure that Peach was in the performance, they just have yet to find her. "Take a closer look. Perhaps some of the little actors have not made their entrance," Professor Shen suggested.

"Right." The four adults kept their eyes peeled. They scanned through every child on stage, not letting anyone off, but to no avail.

After the performance ended, a warm round of applause resounded throughout the hall.

The little dancers stood in a line and bowed to the audience.

Suddenly, the audience noticed the Christmas tree, which had been standing in the background, wobbling towards the front of the stage before awkwardly bowing to them.

"Hahaha…" the audience burst into peals of laughter.

"I didn't know that the tree was also performed by a student."

"Haha, it's so cute. It looks like a chubby Christmas tree."

"Look! There's a cute little round face hidden amongst the leaves."

"Oh there really is! It sure isn't easy."

Amidst the audience's lively chatter, the little performers left the stage in an orderly manner taking the curtain call.

The emcees took to the stage and continued announcing the programs.

Peach's mother turned her head to talk to He Yue, but realised that He Yue had left her seat without her knowing.

"Eh? Where's He Yue?" Peach's mother asked Professor Shen.

"I don't know. Maybe she went to the toilet." Professor Shen replied as he looked around as well. He had been too focused on looking at the Christmas tree played by Peach. Laughing so hard that he felt his sides splitting, he did not notice He Yue leaving her seat.

The second performance, which was the students from the instrumental ensemble performing "River on a Spring Night", soon began.

Halfway through the performance, He Yue came back to the audience seats, beaming from ear to ear.

As the lights in the hall had been dimmed, He Yue looked around for her seat. Peach's mother spotted her and called out to her in a low voice, "He Yue, where have you been?"

Hearing Peach's mother's voice, He Yue headed over with a bright smile. As soon as she sat on her seat, she eagerly held out her digital camera. Handing it to Peach's mother like it was a treasure, she whispered, "Look, I just went backstage and took a photo of both of them together before Peach changed out of her costume. "

Peach's mother quickly moved closer to her and looked at the screen on the camera.

The photograph was taken with the red curtain as a backdrop. In the photograph, Peach was dressed in her Christmas tree costume, revealing only a round face that was smiling brightly as she looked at the camera. Beside her, Shen Mochen was expressionless and had slightly turned his back on Peach as if shunning her .