Our Final Wishes

In the shadows of a cramped alley lay two weary and starving children with identical appearances, a boy and a girl, wearing dirty rags and bloodied feet. They were currently hiding from slavers. Shouting can be heard from the entrance of the alley,

  "Damn, we've lost them. F*ck! I could have made thousands from selling those silver-haired little sh*ts!" Two men were currently standing a short distance away from the twins' hiding place. One of the men kicks a nearby trashcan before yelling again.

  "I swear if I find you two brats I'll gouge your eyes out and feed it to the dogs! Argh! F*ck! Lets get the hell out of this sh*thole." The two of them went on their way after their yelling.

The twins finally relaxed after making sure the man left. The boy sighed in relief before speaking to his sister,

  "Saya, a couple more minutes of rest and then we'll have to go."

The girl leaned on her brother's shoulder before responding to her brother.

  "Kuya Malosi, I don't f-feel... well" said the girl.

The boy looked at her sister with a tender smile and held his sister closer to make her more comfortable.

  "That's all right, let's rest here for a while then"

Moments pass in silence as the two lay in each other's arms. The silence is broken by heavy drops of rain splattering on the ground.

  "Kuya Malosi, I'm tired... I'm so tired... of everything."

The two of them recalled all the good and bad that had happened to them the past 12 years or their lives. The orphanage with the kind nuns that they grew up in for years then being burned down by roaming bandits. The horrors they had to witness and the dangers they had to endure as street urchins. Eating leftover food from trashcans and dumpsters. Up until now where they were escaping from slavers. The only good times they had were the moments they spent together. Whether it be eating, sleeping, or playing; whatever it was, it was good to them as long as it was done together.

The boy held on to his sister a little tighter as both tears and rain poured down his face. The boy then saw his sister struggle to get some words out of her mouth.

  "Kuya Malosi... did you know? You are the best thing... the greatest blessing I-I... ever... to me... Kuya.. is the most precious..." The girl stuttered as her thoughts became cloudy.

  "Mm Saya, y-you are also the m-most precious to me in this world." The boy's body trembled as the cold rain continued to pour down upon the both of them. The girl summoned her remaining strength to wrap her arms around her brother and then looked at his face with doting eyes.

  "...Kuya... Malosi... I love you..." The girl continued to gaze at her brother for a couple moments.

  "I feel... a little sleepy now..." The girl then rested her head on her brother's shoulder again as her eyes began to close. The boy's thoughts raced but he still tried his best to keep it together.

  "T-that's alright, Saya. Rest as long as you want okay?" The girl nodded and let her eyes close by themselves.

  "Mmm" The boy bit his lip as he watched his sister start to fall asleep, thinking this might be the last time.

  "Saya, in our next lives... we'll stay together okay?"


  "We'll live in a nice big house!"


  "We'll be rich and we'll eat whatever we want!"


  "We'll go wherever we want to go!"


  "We'll be powerful!"


  "Maybe I can be a mighty warrior and you can be a fearsome sorceress! Just like the books we read in the orphanage!"




The boy looked at his sister only to see a breathless smiling face. The boy weeped quietly as he held his sister tightly. He cried until his eyes turned red, eventually running out of tears. He felt his body starting to lose strength and his thoughts start to slow. Regardless, the boy still continued to sit in the alley with cradling his sister in between his arms. The boy suddenly bellowed,

"Everything I said... I... we will make it come true! ...Saya... Oh, Saya..."

The boy looked at his sister's smiling face. His thoughts quickly calmed at the sight of his sister. At the same time he felt death looming over him.  

"Everything... definitely..."

The boy, with his last words in mind, looked at the sky with fierce determination before finally closing his eyes for the final time.