The Immortal's Gifts Part 1

Above a lush forest filled with tall and thick trees and many creatures; The sky trembled briefly as a pair of giant opulent doors opened, releasing a flash of blinding light as it sent hurling two children to the ground below it. The two children screamed while they fell and hit the ground with a loud thud, knocking the both of them out.

A few moments later…

Saya woke up in a dazed state,

  "Ugh… Where am I? Kuya!" Saya quickly searched her surroundings for her twin brother, Malosi.

  "Mm, I'm right here Saya." Saya felt movement below her and quickly came to a realization,

  "Ah, sorry!"

Saya moved away from her brother, but both of them suddenly winced in pain as new information abruptly flooded their minds. The twins suddenly heard the voice of the immortal that saved them.

  "Welcome to the world of Ashiomon! The world is currently undergoing the Age of Myths. Both of you are less than nothing compared to the strongest entities that inhabit the pinnacle of this world; but with my gifts… you both have a chance! Sahayaka, I have bestowed upon you The Celestial Leviathan's legacy [The Path of the Celestial Leviathan]. For you Malosi, I have given you The Abyssal Dragon's legacy. [The Way of the Abyssal Dragon]. Mm, with this the both of you have a chance to confront the powers of the world, to make your hopes and dreams come true. Ah, that's right, I have one more gift for the both of you... but I'll leave it as a surprise. Just remember, how far you can go... depends on yourselves! Alright I have said enough, farewell younglings."

The two sat in silence as they slowly digested the immortal's message. Saya turned towards Malosi to say something, but she noticed that Malosi was deep in thought and decided against it. Saya thought of the immortal's gift and wanted to know its uses, thus she decided to experiment. As soon as she thought of the gift, a majestic golden book emerged in her mind. Engraved on the front of the book is a depiction of the Celestial Leviathan. It is a gigantic creature with the head of a horned serpent, its snake-like body is scaled golden. On the leviathan's body is an inscription of a language unknown to Saya. Saya then tried to open the book with all her might but to no avail. She then focused her attention on the inscription as it was the only thing she can examine. At the moment she did, flashed a blinding light, swallowing her whole. When she came to she saw that there was a majestic city, surrounded by a dark endless horde. The city is protected by a huge magic shield and in the center was a stunningly beautiful lady. On her head lay a crown made of adamantium, adorned with various jewels. She wields a scepter that is also made of adamantium, atop lays a crystal-clear gem spewing pure white light. She wears a silver robe containing many magical inscriptions. Above her is a projection of the Celestial Leviathan.

She glared at the endless horde before her before speaking,

  "To protect those I care about... I clawed my way out of hell, endure divine retribution, and had done many world-shaking deeds. I have overcome a great many trials and tribulations to get to where I am. Vile and filthy beasts, prepare yourselves for this mighty sorceress will send you all to eternal damnation!" The lady then raised her scepter to make the Celestial Leviathan above her roar. The roar shook the earth, opening deep and wide chasms; swallowing many of the beasts. As the earth continued its quaking, the lady continued speaking.

  "Finally... I can finally protect them."

The Sorceress sighed in relief before looking down at the city below and smiled in satisfaction. She raised her scepter once more before descending to her city. The Celestial Leviathan roared even louder; the earth quaked even harder making it seem like the entire world was about to be split into pieces.

The vision ends there, its contents forever etched in young Sahayaka's mind.