Chapter 4

Seeing that he didn't respond correctly, Tang Yuan asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Zheng sat beside Tang Yuan and whispered:

"Tangyuan, do you remember what my dad might have derailed before?"

Tang Yuan nodded, "Remember."

Zhao Zheng sighed: "My dad always had lipstick marks and women's perfume, which made me think he had other women, but recently I discovered that I really misunderstood my dad, because after my dad was hospitalized, I also have lipstick marks on me, but I haven't had contact with women. "

When Tang Yuan heard him say this, he couldn't help thinking about the spiritual aspect, but he was afraid of scaring Zhao Zheng, so he comforted:

"Maybe it's your mother's lipstick accidentally?"

"No." Zhao Zheng was anxious. "If that's the case, those lipstick marks are not lipstick, but blood."

It seems that this is really a strange event. He began to think about how to appease Zhao Zheng, but heard Zhao Zheng say:

"More terrible, I got up at midnight last night and found a woman lying next to me ..."

This remark made Tang Yuan and Zhao Zheng shake together. Tang Yuan involuntarily leaned against Zhao Zheng, swallowed and said:

"What are you talking about?"

Zhao Zheng said frightened and helplessly: "Yes, you want to believe me, Tangyuan."

"I believe in you." Tang Yuan has encountered ghosts long ago, so how could he not believe him?

"You really believe it!" Zhao Zheng was suspicious.

Tang Yuan nodded, "I believe, you and I specifically talk about what is going on, I will help you find a way."

Zhao Zheng nodded, and said what happened to him and what happened to his father. After Tang Yuan heard it, he summarized it.

Zhao Zheng 's father was called Zhao Feng. One month ago, when Zhao Feng went home at night, he was seen by a mother of Ye Zheng, Ye Zheng, who had a lipstick mark on his body. The two had a big fight, and from that day on, Zhao Feng went home every day. There are lipstick marks on the body, which is obviously that Zhao Feng and Xiaosan are provoking Ye Lan, so the Zhao family will have quarrels every day.

Ye Lan clamored for divorce, but Zhao Feng insisted on divorcing, and said that he didn't have a junior, and he was wronged, but he couldn't explain why the lipstick mark was wrong.

Then Zhao Feng became more and more wrong, and he went home late and late, and every time he went home, he would be particularly irritable, and went out like crazy, as if something was attracting him outside.

This is a very obvious derailment phenomenon, so Zhao Zheng and Ye Lan are convinced that he has derailed. No matter what Zhao Feng explains, they don't listen, so that they ignore Zhao Feng's evil things.

It wasn't until Zhao Feng lived in the hospital that Zhao was discovering a lipstick mark on himself, before he knew that he might have really wronged his father before.

But even if they knew that they couldn't help it. His dad had already visited the master to see it before, but he did n't know if the man was a fake master or he was not capable enough. In the end, he did n't play any role. Instead, his dad went directly to the hospital.

"I'll think of a way." Tang Yuan said seriously, holding a tea cup.

"What can you do, you still don't get involved, just in case you ..." Zhao Zheng didn't finish, but Tang Yuan knew that he was afraid to affect himself. When he was moved, he was determined to help. Zhao Zheng's determination.

"I know a heavenly master, he should be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt you, but he costs more to play, I don't know if you can't afford it."

After becoming familiar with Xie Yu, Tang Yuan also learned about Xie Yu's circle. After Xie Yu was a famous family in the Xie family of Xia Yu, naturally the technique of catching ghosts need not be said. The status is very high, after all, it is one of the few Jiupin heaven masters in the world of heaven masters.

The heavenly masters in the heavenly world are divided into nine levels. The most powerful and advanced one is Jiupin Heavenly Master.

This grade is divided according to strength. The higher the level, the higher the minimum reward for shooting.

The minimum reward for Jiupin Tianshi is 10 million. I don't know if Zhao Zheng's family can afford 10 million.

As soon as Tang Yuan talked about compensation, Zhao Zheng quickly asked:

"It would cost you a lot to say."

Tang Yuan stiffly said:

"About ten million."

Zhao Zheng was dumbfounded. He thought it was a maximum of 2 million to 300,000. Who knew that it was 10 million. Thanks to Zhao Zheng's family, he still had some money, otherwise his legs would be frightened.

Zhao Zhengyi said, "Tang Yuan, is that great master? Is it sure that we can solve our problem?"

Tang Yuan hesitated a bit, "Should ... it should be okay, he's awesome, I heard he never missed it."

Zhao Zheng felt relieved, thinking that they had been tortured for so long, and spent a lot of unjust money, but had no effect at all. If 10 million can really solve the problem, then it is worth the money. Tang Yuan said:

"Then glutinous rice dumplings, please ask me for that master, and we will put the money together as soon as possible."

Listening to what he meant, Tang Yuan should be able to take out ten million yuan, so he said goodbye to Zhao Zheng, and went back to Xie Yu for help.

After he went back and talked with Xie Yu, Xie Yu seemed very happy and said with a smile:

"thank you for trusting me."


Home » I've Been Pregnant for 10 Years Without Giving Birth » Chapter 4: (two)

I've Been Pregnant for 10 Years Without Giving Birth Chapter 4: (two)

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He wanted to touch Tang Yuan's head, reached his hand halfway, and felt that he was so rude, so he took it back and pretended to say naturally: "The ghost that harassed your friend's family is just a new ghost that has not become the weather. Solving it is nothing more than raising hands, but ... "

"But what?" Tang Yuan asked quickly.

"But I can't take a shot." Xie Yu smiled a little, and seemed to be tangled. "This kind of ghost can be solved by a master. If you ask me, it will cost a lot of money." Of course he can help for free, But this time he didn't want to shoot, he had his intention.

Tang Yuan was aggressive, and after thinking about it, he immediately said, "I don't know Yipin. Can you introduce me? Or tell me where to find it? Please."

"How about you try it?" Xie Yu said softly. He seemed to suggest it at will, but Tang Yuan instantly understood his intentions. He wanted to give him a chance to exercise and practice.

"Me? Can I?" Tang Yuan seriously suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Xie Yu nodded. "You can."

Tang Yuan felt that he was flickering himself, "I have only learned spells for a few days before I can catch ghosts?"

Xie Yu nodded again, "Of course you can, your level is already better than the ordinary Yipin Tianshi, you can solve it just like a little ghost like that."

"You deserve me too much." During this month, Xie Yu taught him spells every day, and often boasted that he was a genius, and he would learn those spells that are difficult to learn. But even then, he only studied for a month.

Xie Yu smiled mildly and shook his head. "It's not that I look down on you. It's you who look down on yourself. You are a genius. There is nothing in front of you." He paused and asked:

"How many spells have you learned this month?"

"One hundred." Xie Yu taught him three a day. He could learn it once, so after one month, he learned a hundred. "However, there is no power in learning."

Xie Yu said patiently: "That's because you haven't opened up yet. After I open you up tomorrow, you will know how powerful you are."

Tang Yuan listened to him, but he didn't take it to heart. After all, Xie Yu had a blind respect for him, as if everything he did was right, it was all good.

"A lot of us, children of the Tianshi family, start to learn spells from the age of five or six, but most of them do n't become a master of heaven until they are seven or eight. Learn three lessons a day. By this comparison, you can understand how good you are. "

Tang Yuan didn't dare to speak. If this is the case, then he is indeed a genius.

Xie Yu looked at him obediently and said softly, "Tomorrow will open you up, you must be ready."

Tang Yuan was a little dazed, but he nodded and said, "Okay."

Next Xie Yu said some precautions to prepare him.

The two are not yet married, and they sleep in the same room at night. Xie Yu wakes him up outside Tang Yuan's room the next morning.

Usually Tang Yuan sleeps as long as he wants to sleep, but if he is open, it must be turned on at the moment the sun rises, so that the open spirit can open up the aura of the sun, and this aura can deter the demons.

Tang Yuan also knows, so he woke up very early this day. When Xie Yu knocked on the door, he was blowing his hair.

He put the hair dryer down and ran to open the door three or two steps. When he saw Xie Yu, he said quickly:

"I'll be right away."

Xie Yu saw that his hair was still wet and said, "Don't worry, you blow your hair first."

Tang Yuan grinned, "Well, you can sit down first."

After Xie Yu came in, Tang Yuan continued to blow his hair. His hair was short and almost blown in a few clicks. Xie Yu looked at him quietly and saw that he was putting the hair dryer away.

"It's not dry yet."

Tang Yuan wanted to say no need to blow, but Xie Yu had turned on the hair dryer and blown him up. Xie Yu's movements were gentle, but Tang Yuan was stiff and seemed uncomfortable.

When Xie Yu put the hairdryer away, Tang Yuan asked with his head bowed:

"Why are you so good to me?"

It has only been more than a month since the two met, but Xie Yu not only taught him the Xie family spells, but also took care of him very much. Tang Yuan always felt unreal.

Xie Yu froze, her eyes softened, and said softly:

"You are my only loved one in this world."

Xie's family is dead. He has been used to it for so many years, but since he decides to marry Tang Yuan, he will treat Tang Yuan as a family, and Tang Yuan deserves to be kind to him.

"How could I be your only loved one?" Tang Yuan patted his belly and said:

"Isn't this still your loved one?"

Xie Yu froze a bit, her smile a little more real, "You're right."

Tang Yuan "hehe" smiled twice, he looks very good, a pair of peach eyes are particularly beautiful, when he laughs, the soul must be hooked away.

Xie Yu and he glanced at each other, and immediately removed his eyes and said, "Let's go and give you spirits."

"it is good."

Tang Yuan followed Xie Yu's body and went to the opening room. He obeyed Xie Yu's instructions and meditated on the meditation in his heart.

P/s: All credit I give back to the both owner. None of these is mine.