Chapter 8

"Your lipstick is crooked." Zhao Zheng pointed this question seriously.

Who knew that the ridiculous female ghost suddenly went mad and struck his neck like crazy, and said something that Zhao Zheng didn't understand.

"@@ # & # ..."

Zhao Zheng was rolled with his eyes, and was about to be killed by Huang Quan. At this moment, A Miao suddenly appeared behind the female ghost in red, grabbed the female ghost's hair, pulled the female ghost backwards, causing the female ghost to leave Zhao Zheng. And then started beating female ghosts.

The female ghost was beaten by A Miao, and she immediately forgot Zhao Zheng and got up with A Miao.

Zhao Zheng coughed while watching two female ghosts fighting. Both female ghosts were ugly and their faces were distorted because of the fight. Seeing all this, Zhao Zheng 's heart seemed to be hit by ten thousand points. Covering my eyes, it took a while to calm down.

After being better physically and mentally, Zhao Zheng raised his spirit and thanked Amiao:

"Thank you, Sister Amiao. Although you are uglier than this female ghost, you are much kinder than her."

Amiao: "..." Revenge.

The female ghost and Amiao fought for a while, and Tang Yuan came. While panting, he took out a piece of rune paper and hit the female ghost. The female ghost was entangled by Amiao and could not hide the rune paper directly. Hit by a rune paper.

"Well." The female ghost screamed twice, lying on the ground like a force.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Yuan mobilized the magic power to cast, and finally opened the oil-paper umbrella and sang, "Close."

This sounded like a command, the oil-paper umbrella emits a burst of light, accompanied by a super strong suction, to collect the female ghost into the umbrella.

The female ghost struggled while screaming, but in the end it was to no avail, she disappeared in front of everyone in a blink of an eye, and the oil-paper umbrella was automatically closed.

Zhao Zheng's legs softly moved to Tang Yuan's side, and said aggrieved:

"Tangyuan, I was almost strangled to death by that female ghost."

Tang Yuan waved his hand, "Rest assured, you can't die, I've sent Amiao to protect you long ago."

Amiao protected?

That is to say, A Miao has been following him, but why did A Miao appear when he was about to be strangled to death?

He glanced at Amiao secretly and found that there were two words in Amiao's eyes: revenge!

Zhao Zheng: "..." Is it too late to admit it?

The female ghost caught it, and Tang Yuan's task was successfully completed. When he went to the hospital, he gave Zhao Feng and his wife a few runes of paper, saying that they would wear them at any time and their bodies would slowly recover.

When he was gone, Zhao Feng and Ye Lan took his hand and said a big thank-you note, but also stuffed a red envelope for him, but Tang Yuan confiscated it. As a result, he saw the red envelope in his bag.

Since this is the case, he will not return. He opened the red envelope and saw that it was 10,000 yuan in cash.

Tang Yuan couldn't believe it. He was a jealous chicken, and according to the celestial master charge, his price was around 1,000 yuan, but Zhao Jiaming knew this and still gave him 10,000 yuan!

It's just ... it's just too much.

For Tang Yuan, a college student, 10,000 yuan is a huge sum. He has to hurry up and don't lose it.

Tang Yuan returned home faintly. When he met Xie Yu, his eyes were shining.

Xie Yu looked at him like that, he knew that his mission was successful, and asked his face frankly:

"Did the ghost catch it?"

Tang Yuan raised the umbrella on Yang's hand, with a slightly proud expression, "Caught it."

Xie Yu looked at him like that, his hands were so itchy that he wanted to touch his head, but he held back and smiled:

"How does it feel to catch a ghost?"

Tang Yuan put his umbrella on his shoulder and said, "I feel invincible."

"Alas." Xie Yu laughed without restraining.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously." Tang Yuan lowered his umbrella and became obedient, not even seeing the inflated shape just now.

Xie Yu couldn't help laughing, and asked:

"Would you like to talk to me about the process of catching ghosts this time?" He wanted to help Tang Yuan see if there was anything wrong with it, although he kept Taoyuan watching for Tang Yuan, and always reported to him about Tang Yuan's ghost catching. But some problems are unclear.

"Okay." Tang Yuan happily spoke to him, and finally said:

"Fortunately, you just happened to call and talk to me, otherwise I would have to work hard to find the female ghost."

"Ahem." Xie Yu felt a little guilty. He didn't happen to call Tang Yuan. "When you have a lot of experience in the future, you won't have such a situation."

"That's good. I thought I had to hide and seek with ghosts every time I catch a ghost?"

Xie Yu laughed again, and they chatted a few more times. Xie Yu asked: "Are you hungry? I haven't eaten dinner yet, do you want to eat together?"

Tang Yuan watched the time and it was exactly eight thirty, so he was a little puzzled. "Don't you have dinner? Don't you usually have dinner at six?" Tang Yuan paused and said with a smile: "You Are you waiting for me to dinner? "

Xie Yu was a little embarrassed in her heart, but she smiled mildly on the face, "No, there is something delayed today."

Tang Yuan apparently didn't believe it and laughed.

Bad, "Wait for me, wait, what's so good to hide? Aren't you sorry?"

Xie Yu blushed. In order to maintain dignity, he didn't talk to Tang Yuan any more. Tang Yuan looked at his reaction and found it very interesting, but he just dared to think in his heart.

The meal was served. Xie Yu and Tang Yuan both sat on the table. Tang Yuan looked at the dish and found that it was all he loved. It seemed that he was right. Xie Yu was waiting for him to eat. His heart It's warm, that's what family and family mean.

He picked a piece of Xie Yu's favorite food for Xie Yu and said:

"eat more."

Xie Yu stared at the dishes Tang Tang gave him, looked at him for a long time and smiled gently before putting it in his mouth, saying, "You should eat more."


Tang Yuan started to eat like a pig, and did not notice that Xie Yu's expression was a little weird.

After eating, Tang Yuan and Xie Yu went to the yard to eat, and then returned to the room. When he lay in bed, he suddenly remembered what he seemed to have forgotten, but what did he forget?

Oh, remember that, I forgot to take Amoe home!

Zhao Zheng's family, Zhao Zheng crouched pitifully in the corner, shouting in his heart: Tang Yuan, come and save me!

Next, Tang Yuan dealt with the female ghost a bit. He asked Xie Yu what to do with the female ghost, and Xie Yu said that if he was a terrible ghost, he could deal with it at will, and no harm was done. Take it to the underworld.

This female ghost should not be a good person. She actually took the initiative to harm people after death, but after all, she never killed anyone. Tang Yuan could only send it to the underworld.

After he sent the female ghost to the underworld, he found that his mind was clearer than before, and he did not know whether it was his illusion.

The female ghost was sent away, and his life became very peaceful. He usually either learned spells or went to class. He studies in general, but he does have talent in spells. In just three days, his spells have gone up to another level, and his spiritual strength has become stronger.

He went to class that day and found that the classmates were whispering each other and didn't know what to talk about. He was about to ask. Zhao Zheng gathered up and said quietly to him:

"Tang Yuan, do you know? Our school is haunted."

"Haunted?" Tang Yuan was very interested. He is now at a stage where he has learned some skills and is anxious to test his own skills, so he ca n't wait for a ghost to catch him every day.

Zhao Zheng said:

"The grove we love most in our school, where girls can cry every night, but they can't find anyone. What do you say isn't it a ghost?"

Tang Yuan nodded. "Then I'll check it out at night."

The author has something to say: Xie Xie, Xie Yu, Yu: Tang Yuan gave me food, rounding is equal to getting on board.

Tang · Tang Yuan · Yuan: My uncle is so cute, it's time to make fun of it.

Two · Zhao Zheng · Goods: Can you save me first! Woohoo .....

Ji Amiao Qiu: Zhao Zheng, let's talk.

In the winter in the south, I can only rely on one's righteousness, but there is no righteousness on my claws. When I stretch out, it freezes.

P/s: None of these are mine.